#29 On Legacy 😎

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Legacy Is Created And Not Bought 😎


Yes you'll move the economy forward.
You'll make money and buy everything you ever dreamt of, you will learn everything new, and unlearn everything old - but you'll know that you lived a life worthwhile, the day you happen to help someone believe in something. The day you help someone realise they have a side to them they never knew of, the day you make someone explore parts of them which they never knew existed, you attain what is the greatest goal of this life - to help someone attain something they'll pass on. If you're able to make someone understand love, they'll pass that on for generations. If you're able to instill self belief in someone, they'll guard a whole generation of confident individuals. This is how you'll have contributed towards a world you've always been seeking. This is how you'll leave a legacy, by having a heart.


Via- Mayank Arora

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