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Now time to deal with the devil and the reason of half of my problems. I sighed as climbed up the stairs to the second half of the school. My heart was racing like I had just ran around the planet.

Out of my peripheral vision I could see Alice and Jake on the far side of the hall talking or well whispering. My curiosity got the best of me I tried listening in behind the wall.

"Baby why can't you see that I'm trying? I haven't been in the mood to do that for a while now can you just let it rest." Alice sighed.

"What happened to just doing what I ask and shutting the fuck up about it? Ever since that Pierce girl came in you've been distant." She scoffed.

"Look Jake, whatever happens between her and I is none of your business and she has a name, It's August." She pushed passed him only for him to yank her back by her arm and push her up against the wall.

"I don't give a damn what her name is, that dyke is getting in your head and I'll be damned if I let some bitch take my girl friend." He gritted through his teeth as he held Alice's jaw tightly. Alice simply peeled his fingers off of her face before push them backwards making him wince in pain.

"One, she's not getting in my head. Two, don't ever call her that again. And three you don't get to put your hands on me, I can and will ruin you Jake remember that." She pushed passed him.

"Fucking bitch.." he muttered under his breath.

I wanted to rip his head off and beat the shit out of him for putting his hands on her like that. One thing I've known about Alice is that she doesn't cry in front of others ever. Not once no matter how gut wrenching it was she won't let a tear slip.

Alice was stone cold when it came to her feelings, she had them trust me anger was one of them and annoyance. You could always read how much she was just by the facial expressions she'd make.

It was cute though, I always enjoyed watching her mouth curl in disgust when Jake would say something stupid or how when I'd annoy her her jaw would tighten as if she was holding back a whole war of words.

I turned the knob of classroom door pulling it open, without looking up I pushed through the isles of students standing at their desks before stopping at mine and dropping my bag onto the ground.

I could feel her eyes on me as she studied my body language before she spoke making my heart stop.

"You look like you saw something you shouldn't have." She tilted her head to the side with an annoyed glint in her eyes.

"I saw you in my dreams, it was actually a nightmare." I chuckled only making her jaw tighten.

"Why? Couldn't keep your dick down?" I damn near choked on the water I was drinking. She smirked at me as she focused to the front of the class.

She got me there.

"Okay class today is the official day to start working on this years main grade for this class I'll go over the details in just a second but first I want you all to tell your partner your name and something you love most in this world." She clapped her hands and motioned us to get to talking.

"She's a keeper." I joked. Alice let out a small laugh

"That she is."

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 (Intersex)⚢Where stories live. Discover now