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You know that feeling when you love someone so much that it hurts when you can't feel anything after everything is all said and done. Like life had just been ripped from you and every point in living didn't matter anymore.

I think when I met Alice I felt my whole life shift, I couldn't get her out of my mind and she'd invade my dreams more often than once. I'd reflect on everything ever said and done between us only to realize the embarrassing moments like the other day at the springs.

I've known Alice since we were kids, we were best friends when we were in elementary but something happened with her family and I didn't see her anymore after that until the first day of freshmen year. I never knew why so it always bothered me especially when I couldn't get her off my mind throughout the time we were apart and even now she still feels like a life time away.

When we were little I always wanted to protect her but I failed so much when it came to the years after. I listened to the kids talk about her as we got older and it always disgusted me how people could pick on her or anyone but they said things about her body even the adults did.

She was perfect to me and not once did I notice a flaw on her skin, I loved her with my whole being. I hated how much I loved her as I got older because I couldn't get her out of my head.

I hated the way she made me cry and I hated the way she made me feel even when it was always a one sided feeling I hated it. I hated how I wanted to hate her for being so perfect for me wanting her and I hated how I couldn't hate her.

The dreams would make my heart shatter when I'd wake up with how real they felt. Alice left me for something I couldn't tell you and sometimes I ask myself if I love her or if I wanna know why she left.


"August, did you load the washer like I asked you this morning?" I swallowed the cereal in my mouth as I glanced up at my mom.

"Yes and I dried it don't worry."

"Good now all that's left is to do the dishes and wipe down the counter and we'll be finished." She patted my shoulder as she made her way into the kitchen.

"Dad? What's mom having us clean for?" He sat down his newspaper giving me a look that meant quite down or she'll hear you.

"Your mom is having some 'guest' over from work that has been stressing her out so why don't you finish up and get going to school before you're late." He smiled slightly.

"Alright just text me how she is after they're gone please?" He nodded as he sipped on his coffee.

I picked up my empty bowl and carried it to the kitchen where my mom was cleaning dishes. I tapped her shoulder so she could take my bowl. After she placed it on the dish rack I wrapped my arms around her giving her a kiss on the back of her head.

I was a few inches taller than her so I had to lean down a bit which she laughed about making me smile. I was so proud of my parents with everything they've done in life, like the time my mom got this big job she had been so nervous about and the time my dad got the big promotion that helped a lot with bills and made a lot of things easier for them.

"Love you ma, I hope your day goes amazing." She kissed me on my cheek before hugging me back.

"Love you too baby have a great day at school make sure to focus in class alright? Final year, make it count."

"Yes ma'am." I saluted making her chuckle.

I picked my backpack off the kitchen counter checking if I had everything before walking towards the front door.

"Love you dad don't stress mom out too much!" I shouted.

"Love you to! Try not to get any boners in the middle of class!"

"Don't worry you won't have to get reminded my dick is longer I promise!" I shut the front door as I fished for my keys.

Today is the first and last first day for high school. I pulled down the mirror in my car to check my makeup for any smudges and thankfully none were there.

I threw my bag in the backseat before dusting off the invisible dust off my shirt as I started my car.

Today I was wearing gray sweat pants and a white tank top that revealed a little of my stomach as for shoes Im wearing black and white sneakers. I had a gold chain hanging from my neck and some black steel rings on my fingers.

I looked pretty hot if I do say so myself, after I finished checking myself out in the mirror I pushed it back up and reversed out of my driveway.

My first class of the day was history which wasn't exciting so I could hopefully sleep through it. I had 5 classes since I was a senior and had already finished half of my credits throughout the previous years of high school.

So my schedule for the year is history, Chem, math, English and then art courses. I pulled up into the schools parking lot trying to find a parking spot.

It's true when they say it gets easier when you don't have to ride the bus anymore. Last year I had to and it was miserable, no ac and most of the time no seats besides ones where you're sitting squished by two other people. When I got my car it was like angels sent from above.

After parking on the far side of the lot I double checked in the mirror making sure there was nothing to embarrass me on the first day. I grabbed my bag from the back and stopped the engine and pushed my keys into my front pocket of my sweat pants along with my phone.

I stepped out my car as I shut the door behind me making sure to lock it as I pulled my bag over my shoulder. I scanned the lot seeing as it was filled with tons I grew up with. I saw no one I actually talked to through the years making me clench onto my bags straps.

My anxiety was through the roof today especially after what happened with me and Alice. Who knew what she'd do next if she did that I honestly didn't know what was coming for me.

That's when I heard that loud and obnoxious laugh across the lot. Jake was laughing with his friends as he had his arm wrapped around none other than the queen bee herself.

She was wearing her signature high waisted jeans that I really don't think are in dress code but when it came to Alice it didn't matter cause everyone knew not to say anything to her about anything which was honestly scary how she could get away with a lot. Persuasion really was one of her strong suits.

She had a simple beige cardigan draped over her arms with a black tank top that was Lacey at the tops and bottoms. She looked breathtaking seeing as my heart was pounding when I saw her. I tried to speed into the school without her seeing me but failed miserably when I ran into someone making us both fall onto our asses.

"Shit I'm sorry." I heard a males voice say before he stood up quickly to hold out a hand to me.

"No I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He chuckled as he pulled me up to my feet before leaning down picking up his belongings.

"My names Marcelo. What about you?" I looked up at him seeing as he was about an inch taller than me. His eyes were the first thing I noticed, they were dark green like the forest. His tanned skin had a few freckles dancing across his nose.

"August." He smiled.

"Cool, well gotta go maybe I'll see you around?" I nodded as he smiled before leaving me.

I turned my attention towards where Alice was as I came to realize that I fell on my ass in front of everyone out here making my cheeks burn from embarrassment.

She was smirking at me like she was trying not to laugh making my heart clench. Well there goes trying not to embarrass myself.

I sighed trying to regain control of my heart beat. Just get through the day and it will be okay.


Heyyyy I was gonna go ahead and sleep mid way through this seeing as I gotta get up early but I said fuck it and finished the rest so goodnight guys ima slump.


𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 (Intersex)⚢Where stories live. Discover now