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My eyes hurt so bad but we must stay focused and for that reason I give you a Bella chapter


"I thought you said you'd spend time with me today." I pouted while staring at my hopefully future girlfriend. Her brown eyes found mine before she walked closer to me and cupped my cheeks.

"You look adorable when you do that." I rolled my eyes causing her to chuckle before kissing my lips. God her laugh was so infectious and well like sexy. If August was here she'd probably be giving me a two thumbs up with a big grin on her face.

I miss her dumb ass face.

"So being a therapist must be fun right?" Her face softened as she nodded slowly while putting on her suit jacket. Always dressing to impress.

"It can be especially when the patient over comes whatever they're in for in the first place but it can also be very difficult but I love my job." I nodded before smoothing out the wrinkles in her jacket. I felt her eyes watching me intensely but I ignored them cause I knew if I looked into them I'd fall even more in love with her.

"You're so beautiful Bella." My cheeks grew pink and my heart did a few flips before I cleared my throat and back away from her.

"There, no more wrinkles." I smiled. Quinn expression was unreadable as her brown eyes stared down at her suit. Then she looked up at me and smiled before grabbing her keys and phone.

"Thank you Bella, I'll see you tonight and we can watch some movies alright?" I nodded. She smiled at me and then walked out her apartment door. Once I heard the click I let out a deep sigh and threw myself onto her bed.

Why are women so hard to read these days?

Quinn was 29 with a stable job and basically had her whole life put together while I'm 18 without one and I still haven't went to college. It's not that I don't want to because I do but I have no idea what I want in love for myself.

And before you ask, no she isn't my sugar mommy. I don't get paid for shit or else I'd be in a penthouse by now. Joke aside though, I've known Quinn for a little over a year now. We met because I spilt her coffee on her while working at a local cafe, let's just say I wasn't working there for long after that and we just started being friends.

When I turned 18 I started acting on my feelings towards her which is why I'm in her apartment at this very moment. Now I'm so deeply in love with her that I'm fucked in every way possible.

She made it very clear not to get attached like that and I ended up doing so anyways. Curse you heart and you Quinn for being so romantic.

Her bed was so comfy I found myself slowly falling asleep while curled up underneath the heavy blanket with her pillow. It smelt like her and once more I felt my heart flutter and my stomach do flips.

I'm fucked.

Few hours later

I felt the other side of the bed dip before arms wrapped around my waist tightly and a pair of lips kissing my neck. I sighed in content as the warmth of their pressed against my back as they spooned me.

"My sweet girl.." Quinn's breath hit my neck sending sparks down my spine. Her cold hands went into my shirt, her thumb was circling my lower stomach slowly as she kissed me from my neck to my ear before biting it gently.

My eyes fluttered open before I sighed in content. Her touch always made me relax even though her hands were always cold.

"How was work?" I asked before turning over to face her.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 (Intersex)⚢Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora