It is...

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"Otto!" I yell.

Tears roll down my face.

The tears continue and continue to roll down my face.



I check to see if his heart is beating.


Not even a single heart beat is felt.

Otto is dead.

"No... there's no way... right?"

"Otto, you're alive... aren't you?"

More tears roll down my face.

Otto doesn't reply.


Otto still doesn't reply.

I come to realize, Otto, is actually dead, sure I had my ups and downs with him, but... I have never felt this sad in my life.

I put my head on Otto's body.

Tears splash on Otto's body.

"No! Otto!"

"If only... only.... only... only I could save him..."

Dylan attempts to wipe his eyes from the tears.

"Otto... I'm gonna miss you so much..."

"I could have saved him! But I didn't! I had time! But, it's my fault!"

Tears continue to roll down Dylan's eyes.



"No... Otto... I can't believe that you really died..."

"I'm so sorry... Otto..."

"But... could... have... I... really... saved him...?"

"I... have... to... move... on..."

"But I can't!"

"Otto! I miss you so much!"


Dylan hears footsteps, he barely even cares, tears continue to roll down his eyes.

He grabs Otto's gun just in case it's the black figure. Now, he's paying more attention.

But, it's Luna.

Dylan looks away in guilt.

Luna sighs.

"I know."

"I know how you feel..."

Tears roll down Luna's eyes.

"I miss him as much as you do..."

"But... we have to move on..."

"How can we move on Luna? I am dead serious!!!"

"Look, I know it's going to be very, very, very, very hard but... I believe you can do it!"

"I don't know.... Luna..."

"This seems like something I can... well... never get over... not in my entire life..." I reply.

"Oh, Dylan. Please don't think that way" Luna says.

"I wish, I didn't have to" I reply.

"Now..." Luna begins.

"Now what?" I ask.

Luna sighs.

"We get out of here..."

"How, Luna? The black figure is probably gonna catch us in like a few minutes!" I exclaim.

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