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Dylan realizes if there's a video tape and a VCR, there's probably a camera. He can probably film on the camera and send the video to the police. Even though he has to find Luna and escape, the police need to know about this.

I then search all throughout the house, for a camera and is about to give it up but then he sees a secret door. He wonders why it's there but he opens the door. He sees a camera in the distance. He walks and walks and eventually gets to the camera. I grab the camera, but am knocked down.

I get up to see a man standing in front of me. I get up and punch the man, thinking he's the killer. "A child..." the man says.

He has black hair and a black beard. He is white and has black clothing on. "Why is there a child in here?"

"Uh, my name's Dylan, and who are you?" I ask.

"My name's Otto Jackson" the man says.

"Why are you trying to get my camera?"

"Your... camera?"


"I thought it was the black figure's camera...".


"It's mine."

"But why do you want my camera?"

"I don't want it, it could help me... survive."

"I could send a video of me trapped inside of this house to the police."

"Fine, I'll help you."

"Hold on, how can I trust you?"

"Because I was kidnapped by the black figure. But I have been hiding for the last few days."

"We need to escape."

"I need to find Luna."


"My friend."

"Well then lets find your friend."


Sophia puts up missing posters for Dylan all over the neighborhood. She suddenly hears police sirens blasting in her ears. She turns around to see Garcia and Bob, with many other police officers coming. "Sophia, why are you here?" Garcia asks. "Well I was just putting the missing posters up for Dylan..." Sophia says. "You're in a crime scene...". "W-what?"

Sophia turns back around and sees an ambulance car. A nurse comes out of the car and grabs a bodybag and puts it in the ambulance. "Excuse me, may I have more details of what happened?" Sophia asks.

"15-year old Henry Hudson was found dead, a knife stabbed straight through his chest..." Bob says.

"Oh no, I know that kid..." Sophia says.

"How?" Garcia asks.

"He's my brother's bully...".

"No. No. No. What I'm thinking can't be real....".

"Listen, Garcia this may sound weird but you have to let me investigate the situation."

"What? Of course not!"

"Listen, if your brother went missing and his bully was found dead, and you where not a member of the police, wouldn't you want to investigate?"

"Listen, kid you're too young, that's simply it."


"No buts".

Sophia walks away and mutters to herself. "Then I'll do it myself."

At the Brady house

Jacob rushes downstairs. He yells to Amelia "Sophia, has gone out to find Dylan!"

"Why didn't you stop her?" Amelia asks.

"She was already gone by the time I found out."

"We have to find them."

At the Zavala house

Mia is trying to get less stressed about Luna's disappearance by watching her favorite comedy movies but she still feels the stress of Luna's disappearance. She's watching one of them, but hears a knock at the door. She presses pause on the TV. She walks to the door and opens it. There stands Garcia and Bob. "Hello, have you seen anyone by the name of Luna Zavala?" Garcia asks.

"She's my daughter... and I haven't seen her in a few days...".


Garcia sighs and says "I guess I'll check the next person's house...".


"Bob, let's go."


At the neighbor's house...

A traumatized Luna, barely keeps her tears of trauma away. She runs and runs, she's afraid, she now has trauma, but she's determined to survive. She suddenly runs into Dylan, knocking him down. He gets back up and before they can say anything, the black figure sees the trio of Dylan, Luna, and Otto. The trio runs for their lives. 

The black figure knocks Luna, down onto the ground and is about to kill her. Dylan screams "No!" and rushes forward. Otto is unable to get him back. Dylan pushes the black figure to the ground. The two are about to run with Otto but the black figure gets back up. It throws it's axe at Luna, but Dylan jumps in the way.

Dylan crashes to the ground as all he hears is "No! No!"

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