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In the House

Isabella is walking around, trying to not make any noise, what could lure the black figure to her, of course, she is in the dark and can't see anything, which makes it more dangerous.

But she thinks, the black figure has a black mask on, how can he or she see anyways, especially in the dark, maybe he has some kind of night vision mask.

But Isabella's thoughts get the best of her, and she trips and slips.

She falls down onto the thick wooden floor.

"Ow..." she says.

She starts to feel around, for things that can help her get up, she suddenly grabs something.

It feels like a dead roach.

"Yuck!" she exclaims.

She throws the dead roach, somewhere, trying to forget about it.

She grabs another thing, she realizes it is a strand of hair.

"Oh Ew!"

"What the heck is wrong with this floor, it probably hasn't been cleaned up in months!"

"I gotta get out of here!"

Eventually, she gets rid of the strand of hair.

She then grabs another thing.

"If this-"

She realizes it feels different not, like a strand of hair, or a roach, something else.

She feels there's a button on it, she presses it and it lights up.

It's a flashlight.

"Finally, something to help me" she says.

With the flashlight, she is able to be more careful.

She gets up, and she starts to look around.

She yells "Hello?"

"Is anyone here?"

There's no response.

She figures that no one is gonna respond.

She continues to look around, unaware that the black figure is staring at her, in the shadows.


Luna and Dylan scream in pain.

"Dylan!" the family screams his name.

Tears almost roll down, everyone's eyes, besides the black figure.

Dylan is knocked to the ground, along with Luna.

The black figure slams it's weapon onto Dylan's arm.

"OW!" I scream, in pain.

But, Luna has it even worse, with the black figure grabbing her, by her hair and slowly ripping her hair out.

All I can do is cringe, hearing her pain.

Luckily, she jolts back, but a few strands of hair, are already ripped out of her scalp.

Luna gets up, and the black figure is right by her.

She grabs a knife off the shelf to defend herself.

"Get back!" she yells.

The black figure doesn't move.

"You hear me!?"

It doesn't reply.

"Uh... Dylan?"


"Why is the black figure not moving at all?"

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