Despair... at it's worst...

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Someone breathes heavily

The door the person is in swings open.

3 figures step inside.


"Dylan?" Amelia asks.

"Okay, we have to get downstairs" Jacob says.

"Now, this might be hard to navigate on the stairs, so be careful, that you don't slip" he says.

"Right" Sophia says.

The three slowly navigate there way, downstairs, on the 5th of the 11 steps, Sophia trips.

"AAAAH!" she screams.

Acting quickly, Amelia grabs her.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine..."

After securing herself, Sophia gets back to navigating the House.

The trio carefully go down the stairs, but, Jacob slips.

Amelia and Sophia attempt to save him, but are unable to.

And he falls down the stairs, rolling in pain.

"You okay?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah... I'm fine..."

"You said to be careful, and you weren't careful enough, yourself" Sophia says.

"Yeah, you got me on that one..."

The two carefully go down the stairs.

"Hold our hands" Amelia tells Sophia.

"Why Mom? I'm a teenager."

"Usually I wouldn't tell you this, but we are in the dark with a murderer running around, so hold our hands."

"Fine, but only for this one time!"

"Okay, good" Amelia says.

The three then continue to navigate.

"Dylan?" they ask.

There is no reply.

Suddenly, Sophia feels one of her parents hands slip, and then the other one.

"Uh why did you let go?"

No one responds.


No one responds.

Sophia realizes she's alone on this.

Suddenly, she bumps into someone, causing both the people to fall to the ground.

After getting up off the ground, they realize everything is safe.

The person Sophia bumped into is Amelia.

"What happened?"

"I felt like I was being dragged away..."

"Well... be careful, mom! I thought I lost you for a moment..."

"You didn't, everything's okay..."


"Wait what about dad?"

"He bumped into me..."

"Right honey?"

There's no reply.

"Oh no..."


"The person I bumped into... was probably not Jacob... but the black figure!"

The House...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora