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Isabella grabs the phone out of Bob's hands.

"Hello. I am his friend, Isabella. Could you describe what the House you're trapped in looks like?"



"The outside of the House is brown. With some white for the windows and doors."


"Inside, it is kind of the same. It is brown and a little bit of white, also some black for some items inside the House, but I don't think you need to know that much."

"Probably not, but please continue."

"Okay. Once you're in the House you will see there are a bunch of normal things in houses."

"Right." Isabella is writing this down with a pen on a piece of paper.

"This will sound too detailed but I promise it will pay off. There is a cabinet. In the cabinet there is..."


"Weapons. Axes, knives, guns, ect."

"... okay."

"All of them are bloody and you need to keep them somewhere just in case something gets really bad."


"Anyways, upstairs there are a total of 6 rooms. A bedroom. 2 bathrooms. And just other random rooms. Sorry for it being so detailed but... it could be useful information."

"Okay. What room can we expect you to be in?"

"Uh. I don't know."

"Well... that's okay I guess..."


"We will try to find you."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome."

Dylan hangs up the call. He turns around to see Otto.

There is silence.

"Hello Otto."

"You heard the conversation didn't you?"


"Listen, I will use-"

"No. Great. Just great."

"Otto, I'm sorry."

Otto leaves. He goes somewhere else in the House.


A few hours later.

The black figure is in the kitchen. It's cleaning its weapons. Making the blood wash away, in it's mind, making the blood wash off, to have it clean, for fresh blood.

While the black figure cleans its weapons, Dylan quietly goes into the kitchen, with the camera. He films it. It goes well for a while. Dylan films it as it cleans all the weapons. Which takes a while. But, the black figure then turns around and walks away. Dylan quietly follows it as it goes upstairs into its room. The camera films the black figure testing out some new weapons with dummies, Dylan thinks that the black figure will attempt to do it to them. Suddenly, the black figure turns around. It makes eye contact with Dylan.

The black figure grabs an upgraded hatchet.

"Oh no.." Dylan says. Dylan realizes that he might die right now. And then suddenly, his legs work with him causing him to run as fast as he can, as the murderer chases him. Dylan runs up and down stairs over and over again, barely avoiding the murderer. Dylan runs upstairs once again and runs into a room where there is a lever. Dylan pulls it as fast as he can. It then opens.

Dylan runs as fast as he can inside as the murderer gets closer and closer towards him. Dylan sees the dead bodies, but he can't think about the lives lost and he jumps into a pile of dead bodies and kind of crawls through them, he knows what he's doing is very wild and crazy but he has no time to think about that. He is able to hide, blending in with the dead bodies. The murderer unable to find him, retreats and pulls the lever, causing it to close on Dylan.

Dylan then thinks of everything. What has led up to this moment. Starting High School, Meeting Luna and falling in love with her, being bullied by Henry Hudson, investigating the House with Luna, hiding from the murderer, being trapped inside the House with her, finding the VCR tape where he found out about Jake Grayson, meeting Otto Jackson, almost dying protecting Luna, finding out about Otto's sad past, finding out about Otto's plan, Otto getting mad at him for his plan, and now, being chased by the murderer and escaping, but trapped inside until he dies. He can't give up. He gets out of the dead bodies and thinks of how he is going to get out of here. Not just this, but the House.

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