High School...

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"Dylan! Dylan" my mother Amelia screams.

I woke up. "Dylan, get ready for school". I got out of my bed and did my per-usual things or you could call it my "Daily routine". I got dressed, brushed my teeth, took my mouthwash, and ate my food.

Well doing all of this, I remembered that this day, is a day like no other. Today is my first day in High School. And I am both excited and dreadful of this day. 

I've never had friends, and I think it's possible that I might make friends here, because everyone is not too young or bullying me. Besides I am not the kind of person who's an introvert, I'm more of an extrovert.

"How do you think High School's gonna go?" Amelia asks. "I don't know" I reply. "But I hope it turns out well".

"Same" Amelia replies. Suddenly, my father Jacob and my sister Sophia appear. All 3 of them say "I hope High School goes well!". "Thank you!" I reply.

I open a car door and step inside. It's Jacob's car. I close the car door behind me and after stepping in, Jacob does the same.

As Jacob drives the car, I think of everything that led up to myself going to High School and then think of everything that will come after that. Then, a brief smile appears on my face but then it fades away as Jacob says "You're here, good luck son". I say "Thank you" once again and step out of the car and then the car speeds away.

I walk into the entrance of the High School, knowing everything that led up to this moment. As I think about it, I don't realize where I am going, and suddenly I hear something being knocked down. Someone.

I get back to reality and realize I accidentally knocked a fellow student down. I say "Oh my gosh, sorry about that, here let me help you up". I helped her up and picked up some papers that fell after I accidentally knocked into her. "Sorry about that" I say. "It's okay" the student replies.

The student is a girl, and looks very pretty, she has gray clothing on and her hair is brown so is her skin. It seems to me it's love at first sight. I quickly jump back to reality and say "Umm... maybe we can see each other sometime...". "Okay" the student says. I try to stop myself from blushing but am unable to. And I realize that I'll be late for class if I keep stalling around, so I head to the first class, Math Class.

I head into the classroom. The Math Teacher, Nolan, says "Hello, I assume you're one of the two new students I was told about, what's your name?". I say "Dylan Brady". Nolan says "Nice to meet you, Brady, please sit down". I say nothing and do what he says. Because I don't want to be by the popular students or the jerks, I decide to go at the back of the classroom.

The House...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ