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At the Police Station

Sophia gasps in shock as she looks at it, she takes it with her and then heads out of the station, only to be stopped.

"Who are you!?" an officer exclaims.

Oh great. Sophia thinks.

I've dealt with to many officers today.

I gotta make this quick.

"Um... just reporting someone to the Police Station."

"What's this criminal's name?"

"Um... uh... um... Jigsaw! Oh wait... that's from a movie... listen... officer... I just have to get out of here."

"Why are you here?"

"Um... I gotta go officer bye!"

Sophia runs for it but the officer grabs her and pulls her back.

"Why are you here!?" the officer's voice booms.

"I... um...." Sophia sighs. She realizes that she has gotten caught.

"I came to look for files..."

"Give me the files..."

Sophia sighs.

She gives the officer the file and the officer is about to return it.

"Now, unless you actually have a situation, please exit the station."

Sophia leaves, with a smirk on her face.

She printed a copy, so she still has the "Real" file and the officer has the "Fake" file.

At the House

"Now, we need sleep" Luna says to Dylan.

"Yeah... you're right..." I say.

"But... how am I supposed to fall asleep like this?"

"I don't know, just try to fall asleep."

"I have been trying for the last two hours."

"I don't want to argue with you, Dylan."

"Neither do I."

"Just... try... try to get some sleep in."



"Kid, wake up" Otto says.

I suddenly wake up.

"Let's go."

I then walk with Otto and Luna.

The three walk for a while.

"I just woke up, my eyes have to adjust to the darkness" I say.

"It will be soon enough" Otto says.

"Okay..." I say.

"Luna, hold his hand" Otto commands.


Luna holds Dylan's hand, blushing as she holds his hand.

I can't help but blush, I try to make it stop but I can't, I decide to look away.

"So... have the police found out our location, yet?" Otto asks.

There is silence.

"Um... probably not" Dylan says.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't kid."

Dylan looks at Otto in surprise.

"I know you don't mean that."

"Otto please forgive me!"

Otto does not reply.

I sigh. I don't want to start beef with them, but I don't know what to do in this situation, It's probably the best if I let Otto be, eventually he will forgive me, just, not yet.

"So now you're not going to talk to me, I suppose" I say.

"I can't breathe" I say, trying to seem like I'm gasping for air.

Otto doesn't reply.

He knows I'm joking.

"What if, I actually couldn't breathe, what would you do then, Otto?"

Otto does not reply.

He looks at me, it seems that he is somehow studying me.

I look away. I then look back and see Otto's not looking at me anymore, I then just look away once again.

The 3 continue to walk in silence. Finally, Luna breaks the silence.

"So... how long have we been in this House?"

I think about this.

"Hmm... I say, probably about 2 weeks?"

"That seems about right" Luna says.

It goes into awkward silence for a long time.

Eventually, we pass many bodies, including Jake Grayson's.

"How long have we been walking?" I ask.

"Probably like 30 minutes" Luna replies.

"Hmm... how much longer is left?"

"Probably about 40 minutes."

I sigh.

It goes back into awkward silence once again for what feels like an even longer time.

Suddenly, Luna feels Dylan's hand being forced back.

Luna looks back and gasps in shock.

Otto also turns around and also gasps in shock.

Dylan is no where, to be seen.

Luna and Otto run in the other direction.

"Dylan!" they both yell.

I can hear them, but I can't respond. A hand is covered over my mouth. I see them running towards me.

The hand then covers my nose and mouth.

"I-I c-cant breathe!" I say in horror and the loudest tone I can.

Luna and Otto look at horror, as the black figure is about to kill Dylan.

One hand holding Dylan and the other reaching and grabbing the knife.

Luna and Otto rush forward to the rescue. But... then...

"Aaaaah!" I scream in pain.

The figure's knife stabs Dylan's chest.

"No!" Luna and Otto scream.

The black figure lets Dylan go.

My life flashes before my eyes.

Dylan then falls to the ground, and bleeds to death.

"Aaaaaah!" I say.

I woke up.

It was all a dream.

I get off the floor, and start walking.

I fall into things, one of those things might be a severed arm.

I am twitching in fear, I suddenly fall to the ground with a thud.

I get back up, and find a wall, I lean against it, finally balanced.

I'm still twitching in fear, even though I know it was just a dream.

I sigh, knowing that it was just a dream.

I decide to look at Otto's camera and see the footage.

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