Love and friendship

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Bunny didn't take long to fall asleep. She woke up in her childhood room again. 

"Seiya? Seiya, where are you?" she called out, but received no response. 

Her room was empty. She checked under the bed, nothing. In the closet, still nothing. Where could he be? What Bunny didn't know was that Seiya was standing down the street, looking up at her window. He saw her silhouette darting around the room, and he loved watching her. He picked up a few pebbles from the ground and started tossing them at her window. Ding, ding, they tinkled against her windowpane. Bunny went to the window. There he was. She quickly opened the window. A déjà vu. 

"Wait, I'm coming down." Last time, he just wanted to see her face and left. Not today, he stayed downstairs, waiting for her. Anxiously, Bunny dashed through the house. Seiya was still on the street. Bunny walked straight up to him and right into his arms. 

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here. Thank you." 

"Darling? What happened?" 

Bunny buried her face in his chest and drew strength from his embrace."I need you. You never do what you're told, so why didn't you come back to Earth too?" 

Protectively, he wrapped his arms around her. He had prepared for everything, but not for this. He gave her a comforting kiss on the head and took her hand. 

"Come on, let's take a walk, and then you can tell me calmly what happened."They walked side by side in silence at first. He didn't want to rush her. But after she started, the words poured out of her. She told him everything - how she was in the Ferris wheel with Minako and kept thinking of him, the suspicion about the burglars, her fear for Mamoru and his amnesia, the harsh words she had for Mamoru, and finally, how deeply his letter had moved her. Seiya didn't interrupt. While she spoke, he simply held her hand and listened attentively to everything she had experienced. Then they stopped, and she looked directly into his eyes. 

"I want you to come back. I want you to be a part of my life. Seiya, I need you. You're the only one who's giving me strength right now." 

She stretched up those few inches and kissed him. He cradled her face with both hands and tenderly returned her kiss. A fireworks of emotions shot through both of them. It was an almost magical moment, where there was only the two of them. 

After they pulled away from each other, he asked her thoughtfully,"Are you really sure? What would happen to us if he regains his memories?"

"It won't change anything anymore. There's no going back for me and him. Of course, he'll always be important to me in a way, but too much has been broken. I can't do it anymore - loving him and losing him again and again in different ways. Just when we think it's finally time, now we can be happy, something happens again." 

Seiya's heart started beating faster and faster. Suddenly, he lifted her up and spun her around. For the first time in what felt like ages, Bunny laughed with all her heart."Hey, what are you doing? Put me down." 

"Bunny Tsukino, you have no idea how happy you're making me right now." He gently put her back down and leaned in towards her. This time, it was a kiss full of passion, not as gentle as before. He was clearly showing her that she belonged to him now. 

"But I also have something to tell you." 

Bunny became curious."What is it?" 

Seiya was about to tell her about his conversation with the princess, but he hesitated."No, I can't tell her. She doesn't need to have another potential future in mind. It's better if we don't know our future," he thought. 

"Seiya? What did you want to tell me?"

 "Um... our princess... she's gone on a trip for a few days. It might take a while before I can come back."A hint of sadness crept into Bunny. 

A new futureOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara