Once too many times

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Bunny stood in the bathroom, looking at the phone in her hand. 

"He just hung up. This can't be true," she muttered and walked back to the living room. Amy was sitting on the couch, a thick book on her lap, and looked over at her. "What happened?" 

She glanced around to see if Seiya was nearby. 

"The guys just went to the radio station. Three Lights' comeback is going to be announced later. We're alone. So?" 

Bunny sat down next to Amy on the couch."Mamoru called just now. But he was acting really strange." 

"What do you mean?" 

"At first, he was very abrupt and asked about Endymion. I tried to explain the most important things to him, but then he just hung up. Something's not right." 

"What did you tell him?" 

"The truth, as best as I could. That he's Endymion and that we have a predicted future together. I mentioned the demons and the evil too, but I don't think he believed me."

"Imagine if you were in his shoes, you can't remember anything, and then someone suddenly tells you something like that. Would you believe that person? To someone who wasn't there, it does sound very unbelievable." 

"Oh, Amy, what do I do now?" Bunny pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. 

"Take your time and write him a letter, a letter where you explain everything to him again. We can probably find out the address." 

"I think that's a good plan. Thanks, Amy. I'll start on it right away while Seiya isn't here yet." 

Bunny went upstairs and sat at Seiya's desk. She opened the top drawer in search of paper and a pen. Over and over again, she started, crossed out, crumpled up the paper to start over again. It wasn't so easy for her to find the right words.

My beloved Mamoru,

I don't understand why you suddenly left and didn't even say goodbye, but I hope you're doing well in America. I will write down the most important things here for you, in the hope that it will help you remember. Even if some things sound unbelievable, please trust and believe me.

Mamoru, we are the ancestors of Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity, the Prince of Earth and the Moon Princess. But even in our current life, we have great power as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. We have fought many battles together against darkness and often had the support of our friends, the Sailor Guardians Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto.

One day, our future daughter even came to us, Chibiusa. She traveled back in time with the Time Key to save her mother. She's a lively, cheeky girl with candy-pink hair, and she could always charm you in an instant. She's also a Sailor Guardian and fought bravely by our side.

After the battle against Nehelenia, Chibiusa returned to the future to her real parents. The farewell was difficult for all of us. You had received a scholarship for a year in America, and you wanted to accept it. I felt so alone. First Chibiusa left, and then you. What no one knew was that our enemies were already preparing to strike again. You never actually arrived in America; they had taken you into their custody shortly after the plane took off.

Oh, Mamoru, how many times I have lost you. Back then, I didn't know anything had happened to you, but I was sad and hurt because you never got in touch.

That was also the moment when Seiya entered my life, as a friend. He protected me when you couldn't. He was always there for me, no matter what was on my mind. He wiped away my tears so many times, tears I shed because of you. This isn't a reproach; you couldn't have helped that Galaxia had me in her control. But I want you to understand why I can't hold onto our relationship anymore.

Mamoru, I will always carry you in my heart in a special way. You were my first great love, and I will never forget that. But I have lost you so many times over time, and now it happened once too often. I simply can't take it anymore. I found you over and over again, only to lose you again. You can't imagine how that feels.

Losing your memory due to the accident was unimaginable for me. Suddenly, you were like a stranger—cold and distant. I didn't know you like that. In the past year, however, it was peaceful. We could live like normal people.

It was completely different without a constant threat looming over us. But it also made me realize how different we are. At the beginning, I was so happy that you were back. But after a few months, I felt that something was missing. I was never unhappy with you, but the longer Seiya was absent from my life, the stronger my longing for him grew. Initially, I was unsure if this would change our future, if it would jeopardize our daughter's fate. So, I suppressed my feelings for him. But I can't run away from my feelings any longer. I love Seiya, just as I once loved you. However, you should also know that, no matter what, I'll continue to be there for you. Please take care of yourself; we can never be sure when darkness will strike again.

Unfortunately, I still don't know what happened on our last night together, but I think you should know that I am pregnant.

I sincerely wish you all the happiness in the world; you will undoubtedly be a great doctor. Please get in touch.


Finally, she had completed a letter that she was somewhat satisfied with. Quickly, she folded it twice and placed it in an envelope. When she came back downstairs, Amy was still engrossed in her book.

"Oh? Still no one here?" 

"No, Taiki messaged me earlier that he'll be working late tonight. Are you staying overnight or heading home?" 

"I think I'll head home then. Otherwise, my parents might forget what I look like soon," Bunny chuckled. 

"Alright, I'll let Seiya know that you're heading home. Did you write the letter?" 

"Yes, I just need to write the address on it, and then I can drop it off." 

"I've already looked up the address for you; it's on the table up front." 

"Thank you, and good night." 

"Goodbye, Bunny."

Late in the evening, when Seiya entered his room, it was empty and dark. He had expected that she might go home, but he still felt sad. He had grown accustomed to her presence and falling asleep together.

"Huh? What's this?" he wondered as he saw his wastebasket overflowing. Slowly, he pulled out one of the crumpled papers and smoothed it out. 

Hello, Mamoru (crossed out) 

Hey, Mamoru (crossed out) 

My beloved Mamoru (crossed out) 

Then, there was another note, describing many moments that Bunny had apparently experienced with him.

Jealousy began to well up within him. "What does this mean? Before we left, she panicked and rushed into the bathroom with her phone, and now I find this here?! I just hope you're not doing anything rash, my darling," he thought sadly as he went to bed.

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