Visit to the In-Laws

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At home, Bunny had already gotten up and was sitting on the sofa in her pajamas with Chibiusa. "So, what did Haruka want?" she asked curiously as Seiya entered the living room. "Oh, that wasn't important. How are you both doing?" he deflected her question and placed a hand on her belly.

"Much better. The little ones have been kicking up a storm," Bunny giggled proudly, gazing at her belly.

"Here, I brought you something," Seiya said, handing Bunny a small package.

"Oh, for me? That's so sweet of you." She quickly tore the wrapping paper apart to see what was inside. Bunny ran her finger over the contents of the package. "What is it? Come on, show me," Chibiusa called out, peering curiously over her shoulder. Carefully, Bunny removed the remnants of the wrapping. It was a picture of her and Seiya at their wedding dance, framed beautifully.

"I didn't even know there were any pictures of us from that day," she whispered.

"There aren't many, but I thought this one was particularly well-captured."

"Oh, Seiya, before I forget. Chibiusa has invited my mother over for this afternoon. Is that okay with you?"

"Uh, when exactly? Is your father coming too?" Seiya hesitated.

"I'm not sure... I think so... Why?"

"Just wondering."

"I think it's finally time to tell them the truth. They still don't know about the twins or that we're already married... I feel terrible keeping so many secrets from them. They're my family. I don't want to do that anymore."

Seiya had an uneasy feeling in his stomach at the thought of meeting his in-laws. So far, his relationship with Kenji hadn't improved, even though he had reluctantly given his blessing for their engagement after lengthy discussions.

"Should I get anything else? Do you need anything else?" Seiya asked, remembering his last conversation with Kenji. It had been the day before Bunny's birthday, when he had asked for his daughter's hand in marriage.

"No, Makoto and Chibiusa want to bake a cake soon. But I'd really like it if you were here when they come."

Seiya exhaled heavily. "Alright, I'll be there. But I have a meeting with Taiki and Yaten at the studio. We've had to cancel everything the past few weeks. Our manager is getting a bit annoyed."

"Meeting! Darn it! Chibiusa, can you please fetch my bag for me? I think we missed our prenatal appointment last week."

Chibiusa jumped up and handed Bunny her bag from the cupboard. "I can see you're managing just fine on your own. I'll be in the kitchen in case anyone needs me."

Bunny rummaged frantically and finally found the small note from the gynecologist.

"Your next appointment... Darn it," she read and then stopped.

"When was the appointment?" Seiya asked.

"A week ago. I think I should call them about it."

Seiya leaned over her and gave her a kiss. "Do that, and maybe write down the appointments for me too. See you later then."

Later in the afternoon, when Seiya returned, Bunny and Chibiusa were already sitting at the table with Bunny's parents and Shingo, enjoying the cake. "There you are at last. I thought you might not make it," Seiya's wife remarked, looking surprisingly well. Bunny was wearing proper clothing for the first time in weeks, a light summer dress that accentuated her baby bump, and she seemed to be getting better by the hour.

"Um... yeah... sorry, the last recording took longer than expected," Seiya replied.

"Seiya, come and join us. We saved a piece of cake for you," Ikuko kindly invited him, moving a chair slightly backward to her right.

"Musicians," Kenji muttered to Shingo.

"Where is everyone else? The house feels so empty," Seiya asked as he sat down next to his mother-in-law.

"They've all gone out. Amy and Minako have lectures at the university, Rei is working at the temple, Makoto has a date, but she wouldn't say with whom," Chibiusa helpfully informed.

Ikuko poured a cup of coffee for Seiya. "Before I forget, we haven't seen each other since, so I wish you both all the best for your engagement. Have you already planned how the wedding will be?"

Seiya choked on his cake when he heard Ikuko's question. Bunny looked at him, concerned. Secretly, Seiya had hoped that these issues would have been resolved by the time he arrived.

"Yes... um... Mom... well... actually..." Bunny began to stammer and tried to find the right words.

"Now don't tell me you rejected his proposal," Shingo interrupted her stuttering.

"No, what are you thinking... Bunny is trying to explain that she already married," Chibiusa whispered to Shingo, but she was louder than intended.

"You're what?" Ikuko asked, slightly shocked, thinking she must have misheard.

"Thanks, Chibiusa. I could have handled this on my own... so... um... yes, Chibiusa is right. We had a ceremony, but only to legally secure everything for the children," Bunny tried to explain. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying attention to her wording, but her mother didn't miss it.

"Children? Are you already planning more before the first one is even here?" Ikuko inquired.

"Damn it. Caught," Bunny thought. 

Seiya was extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation, but he knew they had to get through this together, even though he'd rather have fled. Calmly, he stood up, retrieved Bunny's bag, and handed it to her. Then he stood behind her, placing his hands reassuringly on her shoulders. With trembling hands, Bunny pulled out the latest ultrasound image, showing both babies side by side, and slowly slid it over to her mother. 

"It's twins," she mumbled, although it was barely comprehensible, but Kenji managed to put it all together. His face turned a shade of purple. Suddenly, he jumped up, causing his chair to tilt backward.

"Is this for real, Bunny?! First, you tell us that you secretly married him without us... your family being there! And now you're not just expecting one child, but twins! How did you envision your future? What kind of child have I raised?" he yelled, his voice echoing through the room. Bunny felt tears welling up in her eyes. Seiya removed his hands from her shoulders and clenched his fists. Her father's reaction made him more than angry, especially considering what Bunny had just been through.

"Mr. Tsukino, that's enough. I don't want you to continue speaking to my wife like this, and I kindly ask you to leave," he said calmly but firmly. He couldn't bear to hear how he was talking to his daughter. Everyone in the room now looked shocked, shifting their gaze from Kenji to Seiya. Kenji didn't need to be told twice; he left the house without turning back. Ikuko held her daughter tightly.

"He'll calm down, I'm sure of it. But please, Bunny, no more secrets. I'll call you tomorrow," she whispered in her daughter's ear.

"Oh, Mom," Bunny sniffled.

"Mama, you need to hurry; Dad already started the engine and wants to leave," Shingo shouted from the front door.

No one had expected such a hasty departure. Chibiusa was the only one who still sat at the table, completely calm, taking another piece of cake.

"Well, I never expected anyone to talk back to Kenji like that. I don't think he did either. Does anyone else want another piece?" Chibiusa chatted away once the door had slammed shut. But Bunny and Seiya were still speechless.

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