Departure into the unknown

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Restless, Bunny glanced at the clock, still about half an hour. She took Seiya's letter from the desk, put it in her bag, and looked for Yaten.

He was downstairs with Minako, helping her go through the university documents. "I'm so glad I don't have to do this," he sighed. Minako had spread everything out on the entire table and was trying to get an overview. When he spotted Bunny, he seized the moment. "I'll be right back. I think I left my phone upstairs, just in case Seiya calls."

"You just want to avoid helping me," Minako pouted. Bunny followed Yaten into the office. Since this room was primarily used by Ami and Taiki, it was neat and well-organized, unlike the chaos Minako was causing in the living room. Bunny pulled the letter out of her bag.

"In case something goes wrong, can you please give this to Seiya?" Yaten looked at the letter. "I'll keep it until you come back. But you have to give him the letter yourself."

"Yaten, if something goes wrong and I'm in that dream... then I won't wake up. Seiya needs to know that he's the love of my life and that this decision has nothing to do with him. Promise me that you'll give him the letter in that case."

Yaten now realized the seriousness of the situation. Bunny was really willing to sacrifice herself if necessary. "Okay, I promise."

Bunny hugged Yaten and held him close. It was the first time she had hugged him, but she needed a strong shoulder right now. "Thank you," she whispered. Yaten, who was usually emotionally distant, comfortingly patted her back.

"You'll make it. Otherwise, Seiya will kill me for letting you go, and then I'll haunt you in the afterlife."

Bunny had to laugh briefly; it reminded her of one of her conversations with Seiya when she threatened to follow him to Euphe. Back then, he had asked, "Promise or threat?" Now, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Yes, you're right. I have to make it. We will see each other again," she sniffled and thus bid farewell to Yaten.

Lost in thought, she went downstairs to Chibiusa's room.

"Oh, good, you're here already. So, I have a few things that might help you," Chibiusa said and went to her wardrobe. She opened a drawer and pulled out a fine silver necklace with a red gem in the center, along with a matching ring. She slid the ring onto her finger and handed the necklace to Bunny.

"These two pieces of jewelry are forever linked. If you're in great danger, you have to push out the red gem. Once it's out of the setting of the necklace, my ring will start to glow, and we'll know you need help," Chibiusa explained. Carefully, Bunny put on the necklace.

"Okay, let's continue. If Helios has brought you inside, the witch probably won't let him in again a second time. But in case of an emergency, he'll try by any means necessary. If you've defeated Aislinn, you can return using this powder, but really only then. Because she will definitely sense and disrupt the use of this powder. Be careful with it; it's only enough for one return. It's best to pour it all over your head at once; that works best," Chibiusa explained as she handed Bunny a small bottle filled with purple glittery dust. "Do you have any more questions, Bunny?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Shall we go over everything one more time?"

"No, Chibiusa. I'll manage."

Chibiusa approached her and hugged Bunny. "Of course, you'll succeed. I'm absolutely certain of it. You've managed everything so far."

They were suddenly blinded by a bright light that illuminated the room. When the light faded, Helios stood before them.

"Good, you're both here already. Chibiusa, have you explained everything to her?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then let's not waste any time. Bunny, are you ready?"

Bunny's emotions were in turmoil. Of course, she wanted to finally defeat this witch and free Mamoru from her clutches. But on the other hand, there were Seiya and the children she would lose forever if anything went wrong. Bunny nodded thoughtfully and lay down on Chibiusa's bed. She wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Let's get started."

As before, Helios blew the powder into her face and offered her his hand.

"Now it's serious. There's no turning back," Bunny thought excitedly as she took his hand and felt the peculiar tingling sensation again. The mist enveloped her, and she allowed Helios to guide her. First, she noticed a dusty smell, then the mist gradually lifted, revealing a dry stone desert. To her right, not far away, were some mountains, but apart from that, there was only lifeless land with rocks.

"I've brought you as close to Mamoru as possible. He must be somewhere near those mountains. Bunny, try to act as inconspicuous as possible. I wish you great success."

"Thank you, Helios. For everything. Please do me a favor and take good care of Chibiusa."

Helios gave her a warm smile before dissolving once more.

Bunny had to swallow hard. Now she was on her own. "Mamoru, where are you?" she thought and began her search, heading in the direction Helios had shown her, hoping to find him soon to put an end to this whole ordeal.

In the meantime, Chibiusa sat by Bunny's side, keeping her ring in her sight. When the door opened, Chibiusa briefly thought it was over, but it was just Yaten sneaking in. "Did everything go well?" he asked curiously.

"So far, yes. Helios dropped her off about half an hour ago. The most challenging part is still ahead of her. How are the others doing?"

"Oh, that's not a problem. I told them Bunny went away with you due to all the stress. Minako was a bit offended that you didn't take her along, but everyone understood. As long as Seiya is still in the hospital, there shouldn't be any problems. The doctors will keep him there for another two days, should that be enough?"

"I hope so. I wish we could at least see what's happening there, but we're completely in the dark."

"She's strong, she'll make it."

"May I ask why you're helping us? If this comes out, you'll get into huge trouble with both Minako and your brother."

Yaten chuckled briefly and pulled up a chair.

"Yes, you're probably right. But when we fought against the witch, she had such power, and she was still in a human body. Imagine if she were to break the seal of the Silver Crystal and could completely free herself. That would be the downfall... not just of your world. I saw Bunny fight against Galaxia back then, her power is so... unique. I have trust in her, as you said, she's the only one who can end this, and I see it that way too. That's why she has my support."

Chibiusa could hear the reverence in his voice when he spoke of Bunny's power. She wasn't there for the fight against Galaxia, but she knew Bunny's strength all too well.

"She's become even stronger," Chibiusa said encouragingly to him.


"We trained in my dream. She has a new weapon, I have no idea where it came from, but when I felt that power, it was indescribable."

"Then at least she's well-prepared, even though it won't be easy. Let's hope for the best," Yaten said as he rose to leave. At the door, he paused briefly. "You should lock up; the others think you're not at home. If you need anything, just write to me, and I'll bring it down to you."

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