Unexpected Visit

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Bunny woke up. They had fallen asleep, but thankfully it hadn't been a dream. Seiya was still here, in her bed. She blinked at her alarm clock. 

"Seiya, you need to get up. My parents will be back soon!" 

He wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered, "Already?" 

"Yes, we need to at least put on some clothes... what will they think otherwise?"

 Seiya's response was just a grin. Bunny had gotten up by now and tossed him his shirt, which luckily was almost dry again. She hopped around her room, gathering her things. 

"I can't find my shirt. Do you know where it ended up?" 

"I think it's still downstairs." 

Bunny's eyes widened as she suddenly heard her parents' car. She quickly threw on a fresh shirt from her closet and rushed downstairs. She heard the sound of the key turning in the lock from the other side just as she finished cleaning up the last traces. 

"Hello, Bunny, you're actually home." 

She looked at her mother in surprise. "Where else would I be in this weather?" 

She held the wet shirt behind her back."Could you be a dear and help your father with the groceries? Okay?" 

"Um... I have a visitor." 

"Oh, that's nice. Who is it? One of your friends? Should I set an extra place for dinner?" 

Her mother asked as she walked past her into the kitchen. 

"It's a friend from school. Um... I don't know, I'll ask him." Bunny's father came in through the door with three packed bags. She quickly took one from him and brought it to the kitchen. 

"Do I know this friend from school?" Her mother asked with more curiosity, noticing the blush on her daughter's face. 

"Which friend?" her father chimed in. 

"It's Seiya. You've probably seen him before. Anyway, I'll be upstairs," before her parents could continue their questioning, Bunny had disappeared."That was close," she sighed and closed the bedroom door behind her. Seiya had also gotten dressed by now and looked at her. 

"My parents want to know if you're staying for dinner." 

"Do you want me to stay?" 

She sat next to him on the bed and nestled against his shoulder."I want you to stay with me forever." He planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"Okay, then I'll stay."An hour later, Bunny's father called them for dinner. Just as they all sat down at the table, the doorbell rang suddenly. Bunny went to the door and opened it.

"You? Here?" 

"Well, that's a nice welcome." 

"What do you want then?" 

"I came to pick up my things. We talked about it yesterday." 

"Oh, yes, of course. Come in for a moment. I'll get them for you." 

"So, that's what he meant with the message this morning. Darn it, I completely forgot," Bunny thought, an uneasy feeling spreading in her stomach. She hurriedly grabbed the box and rushed back downstairs, but she was too slow. 

Her father was already in the hallway, reaching out to shake hands with Mamoru."Nice to see you again. Come on in, we're about to have dinner." 

Panic swept over Bunny. "No!" screamed inside her. But before she could say anything, Mamoru was already following her father to the table. 

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