Helios's Plan

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Chibiusa was lying on the bed, drawing while her music played at full volume. She was so absorbed in her drawing that she didn't notice when Bunny burst into the room. It wasn't until the music stopped that she looked up.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in. How is Seiya?"

"No wonder you didn't hear me! Are you deaf? Your music was blasting through the entire house!" Bunny was clearly annoyed as she sat down next to Chibiusa on the bed. "Seiya is getting better, fortunately. But it was really touch-and-go."

"I'm glad he's improving."

"We have three more days until he's discharged." Chibiusa immediately understood what Bunny was getting at. "So, you really want to do it?"

"Yes, he would do the same for me. It's the least we can do for him," Bunny said, wrapping a blanket thoughtfully around her legs.

"Alright, how are you feeling?"

"It's okay. Why do you ask?"

"Helios is coming tonight. We can discuss everything then and explain our plan to you."

"Okay, I'll grab something to eat first and then take a bath. Will you call me when he's here?"

"You don't need to rush, Bunny. Helios never comes before midnight. I'll wake you up then."

Bunny rummaged through the fridge. Since she'd been living with Makoto, the fridge was always filled with delicious treats. She couldn't decide, so she took a little of everything. After that, Bunny enjoyed a long bath, feeling the stress of the past few days melt away. She was almost falling asleep when she suddenly jolted awake. Tiredly, she dragged herself out of the tub and into bed, where she fell asleep.

"Bunny, Bunny!" Chibiusa shook her shoulder vigorously.

"Yes? What's going on?" Bunny mumbled sleepily.

"Helios is here. Come downstairs."

Sleepily, Bunny rubbed her eyes. Her clock showed 1:46 AM. No wonder Chibiusa never woke up before noon.

"Yes, I'm coming. Just give me a few minutes to wake up and change."

Without knocking, Bunny barged into Chibiusa's room and took a step back in shock. Chibiusa had mentioned being together with Helios, but Bunny hadn't expected to walk in on them kissing. Her face turned beet red. "Next time, could you please knock?" Chibiusa winked at Bunny. "Um, yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't expect to walk in on that."

Helios turned to her. "Hello, Bunny. It's good to see you again."

"Hello, Helios."

"So, are you ready to go into Mamoru's dream world? Is that correct?" Helios asked.

"Yes, we can't leave him in the clutches of that witch."

"Good. I will now explain some basic things about the dream world, and then we will make a test attempt in Chibiusa's dream to see if everything works."

"Is the dream world similar to the dream dimension?" Bunny interrupted.

"Yes... and no. In the dream dimension, people who have deep affection for each other can meet, but both parties must want it, and both can influence the environment and events. In the dream world, you are a guest in someone else's dream. You can't create or influence anything. But what we need to test is whether you can still access the Silver Crystal and use it. Since it's a part of you, there's a good chance it will work. But, Bunny, you must be careful. If you die in someone else's dream, you won't wake up."

Bunny protectively placed her hands on her stomach. "What will happen to them if something happens to me?"

"You will be in a state similar to a coma, but your children will be safe."

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