The fan on the sofa

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It was already dark outside, Bunny and Seiya had made themselves comfortable on the sofa downstairs, enjoying their togetherness in the empty house. But then Bunny's gaze fell on the clock.

"I think I should head home soon. My parents are probably waiting." 

"How about you stay here?" 

"Do you want that?" 

"I think I already made that clear earlier. I don't want to be separated from you anymore." 

Bunny blinked at him. "What are you trying to say?" 

"As far as I'm concerned, you can move in here, my darling. The room upstairs is big enough for both of us. Taiki and Yaten probably wouldn't mind either, finally having a woman in the house." 

Bunny took a deep breath. "I would love to move in right away, but I don't think my parents will go along with it. They only just met you yesterday. But I'll definitely bring it up at some point." She gave him a kiss and grabbed her phone. 

Seiya raised an eyebrow in question as Bunny dialed a number and held the phone to her ear. Her lips formed the words, "My parents."

"Hello Mom, it's me... no, I won't be coming home tonight, you can go ahead and eat... at Seiya's... yes, he's the musician from yesterday... no, I've known him for a while now... Mom, I'm not a kid anymore... yes... yes, Mom... Bye."

Seiya listened to the conversation, but he only understood what Bunny was saying. "What happened?" he asked when she came back. 

"You're a musician, that's what happened." 

"What's wrong with being a musician?" 

"They apparently think I'm your groupie or something." And there it was again, that mischievous grin that she loved so much. 

"Is that not true?" 

She grabbed a pillow from the sofa arm and threw it at his face. "Aren't you more like my groupie?" 

"Darling, for that, you'd have to be famous," he said, throwing the pillow back. But since Bunny still couldn't catch, it flew past her and knocked over a large vase that had been standing behind her on the floor. For a moment, it was absolutely silent, and then both burst into laughter. 

"Do you know what this reminds me of?" Seiya asked when he had regained his composure. Bunny carefully gathered the large shards together. "What?" 

"Do you remember the softball tournament back in school?" And he started laughing again. Of course, Bunny still remembered that. Back then, Seiya had bet with his fan club that he and Bunny would win as a team, or else they wouldn't meet again. He had spent hours with her on the field, even though Bunny hadn't hit a single ball. Bunny had already given up on herself, but Seiya had always believed in her. 

"Yes, I remember how good it was that we won back then." After all the shards were cleaned up, Bunny snuggled back up to Seiya on the sofa.

The next day.

"No, we wouldn't know that," Taiki's voice thundered through the hallway. 

"Then why are there women's shoes in the hallway?" Yaten asked. 

"Do you think he took a fan with him to distract himself?" 

"I wouldn't rule it out. A better question is why did he even come back here?" Yaten and Taiki had just returned from their vacation. They hadn't been in their house for a year. Yaten immediately noticed that a gardener had been there. From that point on, discussions erupted between the two about whether their brother had returned to Earth as well.

"Seiya?! Are you home?" Yaten shouted up the stairs. Taiki stood in the living room doorway and signaled for Yaten to come to him. Seiya was lying on the sofa. Yaten approached him and then paused. Nestled against Seiya's chest, he saw only blonde hair. With a nod of his head, he indicated towards the kitchen, and Taiki understood what he meant. The two of them made themselves some coffee.

"Wouldn't have thought that of him," Taiki said after the first sip. 

"Come on, he's just a man... And he's brooded enough on Euphe. Let him have some fun." 

"But why is he back? And why didn't he tell us anything?" Taiki continued to ponder. 

"Because I had a few things to sort out first," Seiya's voice broke through his brothers' feverish deliberations. "Do you have some coffee for me too?" 

Both of them flinched momentarily. "Hey, don't scare us like that. When did you arrive?" Yaten asked. In the meantime, Taiki handed Seiya a cup. 

"I've been here for three days already. The gardener came, and I had the house thoroughly cleaned. We're staying here, so it should look presentable." 

"You've been back for three days?! Why the hell haven't we heard from you?" 

"Like I said, I had a lot to sort out." 

"With the blonde on the sofa?" Taiki had almost missed the heated debates with his brothers. But during the time when Seiya wasn't around, Yaten had Minako to argue with.

"Simply having some peace and quiet. That would be so nice," he thought to himself as he opened the newspaper.

"Well, if you ask like that, I had a lot to sort out with the blonde on the sofa." 

"Are you finally over Bunny now?"


 "Come on, Seiya, do you think this is the right way to distract yourself?" 

Seiya had to restrain himself from laughing out loud. He had now realized that Yaten hadn't recognized who was on his sofa. "Yes, that's currently the only way." 

"Have you talked to her since you got back?" 

"Several times every day. But we all know Bunny isn't easy." 

"We told you from the beginning... so what's your plan now?" 

"I'm not quite sure yet." 

Taiki glanced at the clock. "So, in an hour, we're supposed to be at Cafe Crown. How about we get rid of Seiya's tag-along first?" 

"Yeah, Yaten can do that. I'll go take a quick shower," Seiya said and disappeared upstairs. He still had to hold back from laughing out loud. 

Yaten looked less than thrilled at Taiki. "Great, he's charming the fans again, and I have to play the bouncer for him. I hope this doesn't become a habit."

Yaten went to the sofa. The blonde woman was lying with her face turned toward the back of the couch, and her hair covered her face. 

Yaten gently shook her shoulder when he noticed she was waking up. As he realized that she was waking up, he said, "I'm sorry, but Seiya forgot about an appointment. You'll have to leave now." 

Bunny blinked herself awake. Who was this? She wondered. It was definitely not Seiya's voice. "Miss, you really have to leave now." "Yaten!" it shot through her mind, and she sat up, her hair still covering her face. "Where's Seiya?"

 "I already told you, he had an appointment, and I'm telling you for the last time to leave, or I'll call security." 

Bunny pushed her hair out of her eyes and looked at Yaten directly. "You have a security service here?" 

Now he recognized Bunny and turned pale. "You? We all thought you were with Mamoru to help him remember. What are you doing on our sofa?" 

Bunny blushed."We'll explain everything when we're at the cafe. Oh no, we need to leave soon. Why didn't anyone wake me up again?" Bunny jumped up and rushed upstairs. 

"Seiya! That wasn't funny!" Yaten shouted after them. 

Seiya's laughter echoed down from upstairs.

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