Love & Pain

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Bunny slept through most of the day, and it was already late afternoon when she finally got up, her legs wobbly as she made her way downstairs. On the last step, her legs gave out, and she just managed to grab the handrail to avoid falling. "Bunny! What are you doing down here? Why didn't you let us know you were awake?" Rei exclaimed in alarm when she found Bunny leaning against the railing. "I didn't want to be a burden, and I suddenly got hungry."

"Well, then, I'll help you. You should make it to the sofa at least," Rei said and offered her arm. She had never seen her friend so exhausted before. Rei could now better understand Seiya's concerns; Bunny was still so weak. Even after the battle against Galaxia, she had recovered her strength more quickly than she was now. Could it be related to the pregnancy? Gratefully, Bunny linked her arm with Rei's and let herself be guided to the sofa. The others looked surprised when they entered the living room. Makoto and Amy had taken a breath to say something, but a look from Rei silenced them. "Bunny is hungry. Is there any leftover from lunch?" Rei asked the group, and Makoto jumped up quickly, saying, "Yes, I'll heat it up."

Bunny forced a smile, then looked around and noticed that neither Chibiusa nor the men were anywhere to be seen. "Where are Chibiusa, Taiki, Yaten, and Seiya?"

"The guys have something important to do and left about half an hour ago. Chibiusa is in her room," Amy reported.

"That's right, if you listen closely, you can hear her music blasting at full volume upstairs. I wonder how she's doing," Bunny thought aloud.

"The guys probably want to buy new furniture for the terrace," Minako suggested. "Huh? Why new furniture? The table and chairs outside are great," Bunny wondered.

"Minako! Did you have to say that?" Rei scolded her. Makoto returned with the food and handed Bunny a bowl. Gratefully, she accepted it and began eating ravenously. "Sooo... what's up with the Tif now?" she asked with her mouth full, looking around inquisitively as she continued to shovel food into her mouth.

"It's broken," Rei replied evasively.

Skepticism began to creep in for Bunny. If Rei was being so evasive with her answers, there was something they didn't want her to know. She stopped eating for a moment and swallowed the last few bites. "What happened? Why is it broken?"

"Seiya will explain it to you himself when he returns. Are you enjoying the food? Would you like more?" Makoto tried to divert her attention. "There's definitely something fishy going on here. I can feel it. Why won't anyone tell me what happened?" Bunny thought. She handed the empty bowl to Makoto. "If there's more, I'd like another helping."

"Typical Bunny, you'll never lose your appetite," Rei teased her.

"Hey, I have to eat for three!"

Together, they burst into hearty laughter. That was their Bunny.

"Do you want to watch a movie together?" Minako asked the group. They hadn't done something like this in a long time. They snuggled up together on the large sofa, with only Amy staying in her reading chair because she found it more comfortable. Minako picked out a beautiful romantic film, one they had all seen countless times but never tired of. One by one, they began to doze off. When the three men returned from their outing, they were initially surprised by the silence. Only Chibiusa's music faintly echoed upstairs.

"Where is everyone? Hello?" Yaten called out through the hallway. Taiki waved to his brothers; he had already peeked into the living room where everyone was peacefully sleeping. Yaten reflexively turned on the main light to get a better look. In response, Rei and Amy jolted awake. Seiya stepped behind his brothers.

"Why is she down here?" he hissed softly when he saw Bunny's blonde hair.

"She was hungry and alone upstairs. Don't worry, everything is fine with her," Rei tried to defuse the situation immediately. Seiya nodded, chastened by his brothers.

"May I take her back upstairs?" Rei, who was standing in front of Bunny, took a step aside.

"Of course, upstairs, the bed is much more comfortable for sleeping than the sofa," Seiya said as he carried Bunny upstairs. When he set her down, she sleepily opened her eyes. "Oh, you're back. How lovely," she whispered, sitting up a bit to see him better.

"Yes, we were out for a bit. Is everything alright with you?" Bunny nodded. "Can I ask you what happened to the table? No one wanted to tell me."

Seiya scratched the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed in hindsight, but at the time, it had been a way to let off steam. "Well, um... the table... you wouldn't believe me if I just said I didn't like it anymore, would you?" he stammered sheepishly.

Bunny was now certain that he wasn't telling her something. She patted the bed next to her and said in a weak voice, "Please, sit down and tell me everything that's weighing on you. No secrets, and no lies, please. I'm too weak to beg or get worked up. So?"

Seiya sat down beside her and took her hand, gently kissing it. Bunny still looked terrible, pale, with red-veined eyes and dark circles around them.

"I know, and that's exactly it... that's what's driving me to madness! Seeing you like this and not being able to help you. Bunny, I love you so much it hurts! Do you know how I felt when I came out of the hospital and found you downstairs? In Chibiusa's bed, on your way to him, on your way into a battle without even saying goodbye to me. I didn't even know if I would see you again. What would have happened if... if... What would have happened to the children? Can you even begin to imagine how I felt here? You completely excluded me from your decision." Tears welled up in Seiya's eyes, and Bunny realized she had made a huge mistake. She slowly raised her hand and stroked his cheek.

"For days, I sat here praying for you to wake up... and as soon as you returned to me... so weak and wounded... the others talk about sending you back to him." Just the thought of it made him tense up again. Bunny tried to sit up to embrace him, but her strength barely held out. Exhausted, she fell back onto her pillow.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't want this," she stammered.

"Darling, I think we should talk about this another time. You need rest. You look terrible." Both of them couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks for the compliment. I think you're right, but I really want you to know how sorry I am."

Seiya gave her a loving look, then kissed her on the forehead before taking off his shirt and letting his pants fall. Bunny watched him with pleasure, her eyes wandering over his well-toned body. Wearing only shorts, he lay on the other side of the bed and put his arm around her. Bunny nestled into his arm and traced her finger over his abdominal muscles. Seiya suddenly stopped her and held her hand firmly. "Darling, stop it, you're still too weak. But if you keep going, I don't know if I can control myself," he whispered. Pouting, Bunny withdrew her hand. She knew that, even though she wanted to, she wasn't physically capable of it yet. She rested her head on his shoulder and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart while Seiya lovingly stroked her back.

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