The End of Dreams

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Bunny sat by the window, watching the raindrops pitter-patter against the glass. She and Mamoru were truly separated now. Somewhat wistfully, she held the star-shaped music box in her hands and listened to its melody. "Oh, Mamoru," she thought, a tear rolling down her cheek. Quickly, she wiped it away with the back of her hand. On her table lay a small box containing Mamoru's personal belongings that she still had in her room. For a moment, she held onto the little music box tightly and then placed it inside the box. She would always carry that melody in her heart.


She looked at her phone and saw three messages. The first one was from Mamoru:

> Hey Bunny, It was truly a wonderful evening. Wishing you a good night See you tomorrow.<

"Why 'See you tomorrow'?" she wondered, and opened the second message. It was from Makoto:

> If you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you. No matter what decision you make. Mako<

"I have the best friends anyone could ask for," Bunny thought with a smile. "But this is strange. The number that just messaged me isn't even in my contacts."

Bunny opened the message from the unknown number. She gasped for air. Her heart skipped a beat, only to start racing at double speed. It raced so fast and loud that she could hear her own heartbeat. And all that was in the message was a single word. A word that made her knees go weak.

> Darling?<

Trembling, she pressed reply.

> Seiya? Where are you? < send.

Was he already here? Joy filled her. Finally, she would see him properly again. The dream realm was nice, but still just a dream.

> Just landed ;-) Picking you up soon.<

As quickly as she had read it, Bunny got ready. She changed clothes in a hurry, threw on her light jacket, and slipped on her shoes. She grabbed the red umbrella as she headed out. Not a moment too soon. Just as she closed the door, Seiya turned the corner. Bunny ran toward him excitedly. Seiya, caught off guard, lost his balance and fell into a huge puddle, with Bunny falling on top of him. Both burst into laughter. Seiya got up, offered Bunny his hand, and pulled her into his arms. 

"I've been waiting for this moment for so long," he whispered before kissing her. A thousand butterflies fluttered in their stomachs. Bunny held him close, inhaling his scent deeply and tasting his lips on hers. Finally, she could sense him with all her senses. Yes, her Seiya had come back to her. They stood there, arm in arm, in the rain.

"Seiya, come on, let's go inside. I need to change into dry clothes," she said after a while. It was quiet in the house.

"Are we alone?" 

Bunny blushed and nodded. "We need to get out of these wet clothes, otherwise we'll catch a cold. Wait here for a moment, I'll get you something dry from my dad." 

She was about to go upstairs when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back. With a skillful move, he unzipped her wet jacket and took it off her. His hand now rested on her hip and slid slowly under her equally soaked shirt. He waited a moment until she nodded in agreement. Bunny was too nervous to respond. Lovingly, he slowly pushed her wet shirt upwards and took it off. She felt a bit chilly. Suddenly, Seiya lifted her up and carried her into her room. They were in a daze, already on the staircase, Bunny began unbuttoning his shirt. He set her gently on the bed and leaned over her again.

 "Are you sure you want this, sweetheart? We can wait if you want," Seiya said when he had a clear moment again. His fingers were now at the hem of her skirt. She placed her hand on his and slowly, deliberately pushed it further down.

"Please don't stop now." Bunny was trembling inside. Seiya had questions about whether he should proceed. He treated her in every possible way. It took a long time until both of them were lying in bed, panting and unable to do anything but breathe. Bunny was now naked on his chest, looking up at him. 

"Am I still dreaming, or did we really just do that?" she whispered to him. 

"Ouch," she squeaked shortly after, "you pinched me." 

Seiya grinned contentedly and opened his eyes slightly. "Yes, so you'd know you're not dreaming." "Silly... you know, I enjoyed dreaming with you, but having you here for real is even more wonderful." "And I won't leave again, my sweetheart."

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