Pics ~ Chapter 8

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Next day in the college ~

Third person's pov

Sunoo came to college alone cause Sunghoon woke up late because of his headache and said that he'll join them a little late also Sunoo have a test today so he came earlier than his usual time.

Jungwon - "Hey, Sunoo hyung."

Sunoo - "Hey Jungwon. Where's Niki?"

Jungwon - "With soccer team."

Sunoo - "Seriously even in the morning, he is ditching us nowdays."

Jungwon - " I know right but how lucky. Wish I was in the soccer team so I could see Jay hyung everyday."

Sunoo side hugged Jungwon and told him not to worry too much cause he is sure that Jay would like him back someday he just needs to give a little time. Jungwon agreed and smiled.

Sunoo - " Let's go to our class first."

Both went towards their class and Niki also joined them after few minutes.

Niki - "Finally, I did it. I thought i wouldn't be able to solve any questions but I did it." he said walking out of the class with Jungwon and Sunoo smiling at Niki as if he didn't gave a test but went to border for a fight.

Three of them were walking in the college hallway and heard bunch of girls gossiping over some topic and sharing some kind of pics and videos to eachother.

The three boys also got curious and heard a notification sound on their phones. Jungwon took out to check first and there was some video on the school students website page getting circulated. The pic had lots of likes and comments, mostly positive comments.

Jungwon proceeded to open them and his eyes widened and opened his mouth in shock only to led out a loud gasp sound when he saw the pic.

Jungwon - "S-sunoo hyung, I think you need to see this." he hesitantly showed the pic to Sunoo.

Sunoo looked at the smartphone screen only to feel his heart getting shattered into pieces when he saw the pic and looked away immediately blinking his eyes multiples times trying to supress the tears back into his eyes and stood their keeping his hand inside the pocket of his blue hoodie that he was wearing today.

Niki - "What's that?" he took Jungwon's smartphone on his hand and saw the pic with the video. "Looks like Sunghoon hyung had fun last night."


Fun? Yes off course, love-birds must need to have a great time together. Why did he even came back early last night. He should have just stayed with her and fucking spent his night with her like why bother coming back? And who am I to care about. We are not a thing.

I'm not upset, sad, hurt or anything. It's not like I never thought about this situation. I knew this would happen between them, kissing is normal between couples. Wonyoung and him kissed and that's all what's so big of a deal, they must have did it multiples time together or maybe could have gone far than just a mere kiss and-

And that hurts me to even think about it.

But seriously, why is everyone so much interested in this matter. Who the hell leaks their private moment on the social media and on the college students' website like this. Looks like they are madly in love with eachother that they want to show the whole fucking world about their relationship and shit.

Niki - "Hello, Yes Jake hyung. We will be there." he said on the call with Jake hyung and turned towards us.

Niki - "Let's go to the cafeteria others are waiting for us."

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