"What?" She stared at him, dumbfounded.

"When I'm not around you, I feel like I'm suffocating and when you are with me, I can't breathe because what I feel for you is too much. How do I express that? Saying I love you is a dull imitation of what I feel for you. I'm completely smitten and utterly besotted with you, and I'll go beserk if I lose you."

"What is happening right now? Do you mean everything you're saying?" Ada began to sob, her shoulders drooping.

"I love you Ada, I really do. And if you even like me one bit, you'll put me out of my misery and say yes to my proposal."

"Oh God, yes. I've dreamed of this since I was a girl." She threw her hands around him, her sobs becoming louder as she squeezed him in the tightest hug.

"Is that a yes? You'll marry me."

"Yes, yes."

He pulled her arms from around him and grabbed her face. "Thank you so much." He wiped her tears away then placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Ada didn't seem to get the memo because she instantly deepened the kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Her fingers grabbed at the front of his shorts and Chike had to physically pry her off of him.

"Why are you stopping me? Don't you want this?" She tried to kiss him again but he shifted his face causing her to send him one of her infamous glares. "What?"

"It's killing me to say no, but I have to say it. There's something I want to give you first."

"Give me later, right now, what I want is your cock inside me."

"This your mouth." He grinned, pecking her on said mouth. "Just sit down, I'll be back soon."


Ada waited for exactly five minutes before Chike returned from his house. Her head was spinning with everything that was going on so she didn't bother getting up from her comfortable sprawl on the couch. He grinned at her as he shut the living room door, then slowly made his way inside. One of his hands was held behind him and she frowned.

"What's that?" She sat up, curiosity getting the best of her.

Ada thought she wouldn't have any more tears after the ones she'd shed with Aria at the parking lot of the lab and all the other times that had followed, but when Chike got on one knee in front of her and provided the most beautiful diamond ring, she burst into tears. Not pretty sobs, no. She cried so hard that her throat began to burn and still the tears kept coming.

"Baby, my knee hurts." Chike grinned at her, his eyes filled with so much light.

She stretched out her left hand and watched him slide the ring onto her fourth finger. "It's so beautiful Chike. When did you even get this?"

"It was the first thing I bought after we returned from Anambra. We were finally taking the relationship seriously so I went out that night and got it. I've just not found the right time to pop the question."

"You sly man." She slapped his chest painfully. "You're already using your unborn baby against me. He or she gave you the perfect opportunity." Ada held the ring up towards the light so she could better inspect it. "Fancy, I love it."

"Only the best for future Mrs. Umeh."

Ada sniffed, pulling him to her for another tight hug.

"Oya stop crying nau." Chike sat beside her on the couch as she held the ring finger up and continued to stare at it.

"They're happy tears."

"Now, who's going to tell your mother?"

"You got me pregnant, you tell her."

"Your mother is going to kill me." Chike groaned.

"That one is small, imagine what Chukwudeh would do to you."

"Oh God!"

"And then my father." She laughed.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. Let's just marry and then tell them after."

"That's even worse. Don't worry, they won't hurt you too much. After all, my baby needs her father."

"How soon should we get married? Should we do it next week?"

"We're getting married after the baby is born. I want to be able to get shit drunk on my bridal shower day. I can't drink with the baby." Ada laughed at the horrified expression on Chike's face.

"An entire nine months?"

"More than that. I have to be healed from the birthing because I want lots of sex during my honeymoon. So let's get married in a year. Let's get married on this exact date, next year."

"June twenty second?"


"Deal." And Chike sealed the deal in his usual fashion, with a kiss.


And it's a wrap for this couple. Their love was so sweet ehn, no too much complication. My main Author's note will be up after this. In the meantime, comment massively. If you've not been dropping comments since you started reading, please drop one now biko.

T for thanks ❤️

Besotted (18+) ✔️ [A Nigerian Romance]Where stories live. Discover now