Thirty Five

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Chike and Ada were let into Kachi's house later that afternoon. They exchanged pleasantries with one of the house keeper before entering the living room. Chike was the first to sit, pulling Ada to him. She ended up in his lap and had to wiggle free. He smiled at her antics but understood nonetheless. They hadn't spoken about coming out to their friends or anything like that, but he knew Ada would want to keep things under wraps so he let her go. Just as she settled, Kachi and Aria came in, a wide smile took over Chike's face as he saw the couple.

"I should have known you were not alone. When Ada told me about the beautiful woman she saw, I knew it was your dancer but I didn't imagine she would be with you," he said to Kachi. The man glared at him which only made him want to rile him even more. It was not like he didn't know Kachi was with her but opportunities like these rarely came to tease his younger friend.

"Dancer?" Ada's eyes swept to Chike and then Aria. He could already feel her questions brew and he couldn't wait for her to put Kachi on the spot.

"We met at a club that I was dancing," Aria said. "Good afternoon everyone."

"Good afternoon, dancer." Chike winked at her and saw how his friend stiffened behind her. It seemed the two women were not aware of the growing tension in the room as Kachi continued to glare at him in warning.

"Afternoon. What club?" Ada asked again.

"Chike, stop teasing Zariah." Kachi placed his hands on Aria's shoulders and led her to a couch. Chike's eyes widened as he stared at his friend, things were even more serious than he thought and it got him more curious. It took Ada slapping his arm to get his attention away from them, questions could come later.

The four of them spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and gisting while eating the chinchin one of Kachi's staff brought out. He enjoyed hanging out with Ada and his friend, even with Aria, although the female was mostly quiet. But what he enjoyed the most was making Ada laugh. He loved how her eyes lightened and the tiny dimples on the sides of her face appeared. Hearing Ada's laugh was contagious. Kachi even threw in a few jokes and some stories about their childhood, lightening the mood even further.

"Let's play a game," Ada announced.

"What game?" Kachi turned to look at her.

"Truth or drink," she said.

"No," the two men chorused, causing Ada and Aria to laugh.

"I like the game," Aria said.

"That one is woman game o. How would we just sit and be asking deep questions." Chike leaned back in his chair, there were many things he was not interested in divulging to anyone and he knew that those questions about his relationship with Ada would come.

"Fine, let's do it but let's make it fun," Kachi intervened just before the two women started to protest. "we'll play cards. The person who loses answers one question from each of us. If you can't answer, you drink."

"Deal," Ada said, then nudged Chike before he nodded his agreement, already deciding he was going to cheat and do everything possible to not fail.

A few minutes later, a pack of Whot cards, four shot glasses and three bottles of vodka were on the table along with a Coke because none of the women agreed to drink straight vodka. The game started and Aria was the first person to lose.

"What's going on between you and Kachi?" Ada asked the first question and Chike bit his lip to keep from grinning. It was the exact question he would have asked too.

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