Twenty Three

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A lot had changed in the time she'd been away and Ada felt her heart ache each time she saw a missed moment. She'd also missed out on many inside jokes and had to smile awkwardly when the group were laughing about something funny. Another new development was that Kachi seemed to have a girlfriend, although the girl wasn't present at the moment. The guys continuously teased him and she had to smile along as if she was in on what was happening.

Also, Chike no longer sat beside her at these get-together parties. When Azu had extended an invitation to her for his backyard barbeque, she'd been surprised and very excited. It was an opportunity to spend time with Chike in a neutral space. That would be a great start in the right direction. The disappointment that had followed when she found out Chike left without bothering to ask her if she needed a ride was small compared to how she felt when she saw he'd brought a date.

The woman was everything she was not. Where Ada was tall and  curvy, the lady was petite and heavily endowed. She was also a little bit dark skinned, and seeing them side by side, Ada had to admit they really fit. She complemented Chike so much and couldn't even bring herself to hate the other woman. While she spent the time forcing smiles, Chike was laughing at everything the woman said and she in turn was giggling at whatever Chike whispered in her ears.

The night had gone badly, that was all she could say. Only Azu sometimes looked in her direction to check she was okay. The rest of the guys ignored her, as if they'd all moved on without her. It stung.

After hours and with the knowledge that she'd suffer from indigestion later, Ada finally picked up her bag. No one even noticed her slip into the house and then out. She fought hard to keep her tears at bay, but an errant one rolled down her cheeks.


Chike watched Ada's spirit lower until she was miserable. He gritted his teeth as he watched her escape and forced himself to remain seated. All through the evening, he'd covertly watched her and it irked him to see how she was trying so hard to fit in with everyone else but him.

"Do you know her?" Cynthia asked. "You've been staring at her all evening." So he'd not been as covert as he'd thought.

"A friend," he forced himself to say.

"You guys barely talked and I got a weird vibe. The type you get from past lovers."

She was spot on with her assumption but Chike didn't want to have this conversation, especially not with the woman he was currently shagging. So, he gave her one of his disarming smiles and drew her closer.

"Does it matter what or who she is? It doesn't affect our relationship, does it?"

Cynthia giggled. "We're just fucking, nothing more. Was just curious."

"Mhmm." He kissed her neck. That was CY. She didn't have any expectations from him. They'd met at a club he'd gone to with the guys. She'd been a masked dancer and hadn't hesitated to take off her mask once they were in the privacy of his hotel room. They met up for sex every few weeks and in turn, he made sure she lacked for nothing. The arrangement worked too well, especially when he was getting caught up in memories of Ada. Cynthia was a very good distraction and by the time each night was done, Ada was the last thing on his mind.

"But I think she still loves you. I saw the sad and yearning look she wore each time she watched you," Cynthia said again.

"Do you want to keep talking about her or would you rather we leave and go somewhere private?"

"Touchy subject?" She giggled. "Let's get out of here."

He said his goodbyes to Azu and Bode, then went in search of Kachi. The man had been giving him the stink eye all day and he wanted to know why.

"Babe, wait for me in the car. I need to find Kachi."

He found Kachi at the bar area, a frown on his face as he nursed a beer.

"Guy, how far?"

Kachi blinked up at him then took a sip of his drink. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yeah. I have to work in the morning. What's up?"

"Did you bring the girl just to rub it in Ada's face?" Kachi asked.

"And if I did? It's not like she doesn't deserve it. Besides, I don't know why it's an issue for me to bring someone."

"I'm not saying it's an issue, just don't be that guy. Especially if you are not over Ada. You'll only end up hurting her."

"What about her hurting me? Or are my own feelings not valid?"

"Put what happened between you guys aside, she's still your oldest friend. You've known her since she was a baby. Eventually you guys would work things out, so is there a reason why you should be adding to the mess you guys already have?"

"I'm over her," Chike said. His friend gave him a look, as if asking who he was trying to convince.

"Ada wants to level with you. Just try and sort it out with her."

"She's not talked to me in the two weeks she's been back and she lives opposite me, meaning I see her regularly. So, I don't know what gives you that idea. Please sort out your new best friend and leave me out of it. I'm sure Ada doesn't even feel somehow that I have moved on."

"Have you? Moved on?"

"Goodnight Kachi."

"Ada and I are not talking. I told her to stay away till you guys are good," Kachi said as Chike turned to leave.

"And why are you telling me this?"

"Your best friend is in Lagos and her only friends are not talking to her. Just thought you should know."

Those words haunted him as he made his way to his car and got in.

"What took so long?" Cynthia asked, making him jump; he'd completely forgotten about her.

"I was talking to Kachi. He had a lot to say."

"Well, your friend just left. Her Uber just picked her up not long ago."

"Uber? She didn't drive?"

Cynthia gave him a look he refused to interpret. "Are we finally going to your place?"

"No. We're going to the hotel." Ada was the last female in his house and he wasn't ready to let another one in after her. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready.


Chike's girl looked even prettier up close and seemed nice enough, Ada thought. She'd even said hi to her when she'd seen Ada and it had been hard not to respond. The girl didn't do anything to her so she couldn't fault her.

She'd managed to keep most of her tears contained till she got home. Now, hours after crying and puking in the toilet, she felt her stomach knot up in dread as each minute rolled by and Chike didn't come home. She feared two things; one, he'd come back home with that girl or he wouldn't come back at all.

It wasn't until past eleven that she saw his car pull up in front of his house. Thankfully, he was alone and she couldn't stop her betraying feet as they took her outside to him.


I haven't had work this week but I've been in and out of the hospital. I'm fine though, just routine checks and all that. Next chapter would come sooner than this though.

Please drop a comment for me. Biko, ehn. Just a small comment to support the writing career 😉

I love you

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