Thirty Nine

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Months flew by without her even really noticing, which was a testament to how wonderful her life was. Chike was the sweetest man anyone could ever ask for and she sometimes found herself comparing him with the bastard ex that she refused to name. They'd practically moved in together, sleeping in whichever house they were in when night came. One side of her wardrobe was filled with his clothes, her bathroom sink and dressing table all had Chike's things, and the same could be found in her house.

Work was going great, with her reclaiming her celebrity status. She even found herself on headlines and gossip blogs, it couldn't be more real. Chike was getting more awards and traveling a lot for work. Her friends too were thriving and were also busy with their lives.

Ada and Chike had gotten so caught up in their love that they'd forgotten about important things, like announcing it to everyone. At first, it was because it was too soon, then they agreed they'd come clean whenever the got caught. The two of them knew their friends will give them hell for it and tease them a lot so it had become some sort of game to them. None of their friends had put it together, or maybe they did but they never asked.

Things were so perfect, almost too perfect and too good to be true. And in normal Ada fashion, she'd begun to fear something would go wrong. She'd had dreams in the recent week and her heart skipped many times for no reason. She'd thought she was just being paranoid until they'd gotten the call; Aria had been kidnapped. She had not seen the other female in some time because unlike her relationship, Kachi and Aria's was so full of drama.

Chike had left after getting the call and had not returned since, only texting her to tell her Aria was back home and that she shouldn't wait up. She'd waited, and was glad she did. Her man had been injured, and it took a lot of explanation for her to calm down. Someone had cut his face, yes the person was dead and no it didn't hurt. He was out again, attending to urgent matters, according to him.

Ada paced the length of his living room, wondering if he would come home with yet another bruise. The both of them had barely slept the previous night because her sobs had kept them up. With all the tears Ada shed, it was a wonder that she still had more. There was a knock on the door and she ran to it, remembering only after she'd opened it that Chike would not need to knock to get into his own house.

"Why are you crying?" Chukwudeh, her elder brother asked, his face set in a huge frown; like usual.

"I'm not crying. Good morning." She immediately threw her hands around him, sobbing on his shirt. Chukwudeh hated hugs, which made hugging him so much better because when he did hug you, you'll know it was from the heart.

He squeezed her in his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead before pulling back. "Can we go inside?" He looked her up and down, a small smile on his face.

"Yes. I've missed you so much! It's been more than three years since I saw you." She pulled him in, shutting the door after. "Did you grow taller?"

"Are you crying because you missed me?" He eyed her, then the house and then his gaze came back to her.

"He got hurt."

"And by the he, you mean Chike? Are you guys finally together?"

"How did you know?"

Chukwudeh sat down, his body stiff as if the chair was going to bite him. Her brother always looked as if he was ready to drill someone. "You're answering the door to his house and wearing his clothes."

She looked down at herself, noting the plain t-shirt she was wearing. It indeed belonged to Chike. "We haven't told anyone yet and nobody has found out, but he makes me happy."

"You have dumb friends," Chukwudeh stated.

"Should I make you breakfast or lunch rather? There's even soup in the fridge."

"It's fine, I'll be going back to base soon. I came to have a word with Chike."

"I don't know when-"

The door opened just then and Chike walked in, coming to a sudden stop as he noticed the Lieutenant General. "Good afternoon sir."

"You don't have to be so formal, we grew up together," Chukwudeh said, his face a mask that nobody could ever see through.

"Thank you so much for your help."

"I didn't join the army to clean your messes, nothing will trace back to you or the rest of your friends, but this is the last time this will happen."

Ada's eyes traveled from one man to the other. Chike looked like he could melt at any slight provocation.

"I understand and it would never happen again."

"I don't need to stoop so low as to threaten you, you already know that if it does happen again, I'll personally arrest you and your little band of friends." Chukwudeh stood up. He stretched out his hand to Chike who took it and the two men shook hands so stiffly, Ada almost burst into laughter.

"It won't happen again," Chike swore. Her brother only nodded before moving to the door.

"There's one threat I have to make though, if you make my sister cry again, I'll kill you." And with that, the hulk of a man left, shutting the door quietly.

Chike whirled to face her. "You told him about us?" He spread his arms and Ada immediately ran to him, pressing herself into him.

"I didn't have to. He took one look at me and figured it out."

"You were crying?"

"I wasn't."

"Deh doesn't lie, you know that. I'm sorry for making you cry."

"Kachi is also my friend, it's not your fault any of this happened. If it were to be us, Kachi, Azu and Bode would do the same."

"Eh, exclude Bode. He has done more harm than good today."

"What happened?" She pulled back to look at his face. The cut on his forehead was no longer bleeding, but it still looked raw and angry. She hoped it didn't leave a mark on his beautiful skin when it healed.

"He wasn't the one holding her captive, but he pretty much sold Aria."

"Is he still alive?"

"Kachi decided to spare him. Azu is slapping him with a lot of charges so I'm not sure the rest of his life would be a happy one, but he's still alive."

"I never liked that guy for one moment," she said, dropping into a chair. "I'm just glad everything is over and you're all safe."

He sat beside her, pulling her into his laps. "There's more good news."

"There's more? Let me guess, Aria is pregnant and Kachi asked her to marry him."

"She's not pregnant but they're engaged now. How did you even guess?"

"Kachi is actually very predictable, I should have joined in the bet, we would have made a lot more money."

He littered her face with kisses. "At least I won the bet, we can go play with the money later, I'll buy anything you want."

"You're so cheap. Why don't you spend your own money?"

"I can see that you don't need that bag you've been whining about."

Ada frowned and was immediately tickled by her boyfriend, their laughter filled the house, giving it a warmth that soothed.


Only one or two more chapters before the book ends. I've not seen a more healthier relationship than this two. Even when I'm trying to bring conflict to add more spice and create more chapters, the two refused to fight. Chike is too in love with her and Ada is the most understanding woman I've ever written about. Nothing can go wrong for this two, so I'm going to allow their happy ever after.

Don't forget to vote and comment guys. You people have been doing read and pass since 🥺

I'm under the weather guys. Please say a prayer for me when you can. Thank you

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