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She knew what was coming and as much as she dreaded it, Ada knew it would come. John dropped the car keys on the dining table then began to unbutton his shirt, his pace excruciatingly slow. She knew better but her mouth was faster than her; she still had the bad habit of rambling when nervous.

"He's my childhood friend, the one I've talked about," she said. John soared her a glance before shrugging off his shirt and letting it fall to the floor. She scrambled to pick it up then awaited his response.

"I need you to be very honest with me, Ada, or so help me God..." He stared at her, the muscle in his jaw twitching. The silence went on for about a minute where he just stared at her and she was grateful her mouth remained shut.

"You've fucked him right?" John asked. The crass words tore at her but that was who John was; he'd always been this raw.

"I haven't," she said simply. There was no need to tell him they'd kissed once, as children. After all it was a one-time thing that the two of them had promptly forgotten about.

"But he likes you."

"Of course he likes me, we've been best friends since we were toddlers."

"Don't be dumb." He hissed, walking away from her. As much as Ada would like to say his insults no longer hurt, they did, very much so. "You know what I mean. He likes you more than a friend and he wants to fuck you."

"He doesn't. There's nothing there. You're the man I love." This constantly having to remind John this fact was cute at first, but now; nine months into their relationship, it was becoming tedious. Still, she loved him, dearly.

John considered her words for a moment then simply nodded and made his way out of the room. Her phone rang just then and she was grateful to hear the shower start in the other room. If the call had come in just a minute early, it wouldn't have gone that well. She checked the caller ID, not even surprised that it was Chike.

"Party tonight? Azu and Kachi are insisting."

"You're talking like you don't love parties as much as them. Maybe more sef. You were quite wild in uni, you know."

Chike's voice filled her with warmth as the man laughed. "You're coming."

"I'm not sure..."

"What does that mean? You have to come! It's me oo, your bestie."

"I'll get back to you on that," she quickly replied and hung up just as the door of the bathroom slammed shut.

John was tugging on clothes when she got into the bedroom and she waited for him to say something. When he didn't, she shifted from one foot to the other, unsure how to ask. He finished dressing up and then stood, ready to make his way past her.

"You're going out?"

He spared her a glance along with a 'yes' that was quickly muffled by the sound of the door slamming shut. She hurried after him.

"Where?" she called out just as he opened the front door.

"My agent wants me to do a bit of socializing. I won't be back tonight so don't wait up."

She watched the door slam shut and did a little jiggy dance. Chike answered on the first ring when she dialed.

"Madam, why will you hang up on me? Did you buy the airtime I used to call you?" he asked immediately he answered and she could tell he was annoyed. The man was overly sensitive in her opinion but still he was better than John in that regard.

"Sorry about that," she apologized with a grin. "What time am I meeting you guys and where?"

"I'll come pick you up. The guys will meet up at Kachi's by seven and then we'll go."

Besotted (18+) ✔️ [A Nigerian Romance]Where stories live. Discover now