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Chike didn't say a word for the entire five minutes they walked. She was surprised when he pushed open the small gate of a compound and led her in.

Chike lived here?

Last time she checked, he was still staying with Kachi and had barely mentioned looking for a place. It irked her that he didn't communicate such plans with her but she couldn't say anything about it. After all, she'd done the same, even worse to him. If she was this hurt by him keeping this away from her, she could only imagine how he'd felt to find out the heap of things she'd kept from him, including John's abuse. She really was a terrible friend and didn't deserve to have someone like him in her corner.

He silently held the door of his house open for her and she walked in, still not saying anything. He had to be pissed at this latest discovery. Especially since he'd asked her and she'd gone off on him about not trusting her. She had been an asshole and she deserved everything Chike chose to dish out. Her only wish was that he didn't get into it now, not when she still felt so raw and exposed.

All her walls had crumbled after finding out about John's infidelity and seeing Chike in her home, proving to him that John was indeed the bastard he'd thought he was. That had been the final straw. Now, she was vulnerable and feeling lost. If he attacked, she'd have no defense to offer.

"You can stay in here, let me know if you need something from your place. I'll go get it." He opened a door for her, then walked away before she could thank him or ask for anything.

Ada sighed, letting the door shut behind her. She surveyed the room, noting the queen sized bed and the blue painted room; her favorite color. It was as if he set up this space for her, and knowing Chike, that was probably the truth. She kicked off her sandal and went in search of a towel so she could shower.

After a quick one, she was out, pulling on one of Chike's t-shirt he'd left in the room and then dried her hair with a towel.

What now?

She was single again and for the first time in a long while, Ada felt lost. She'd had a focus her entire life, at first it was her music and then it became John. Her days had been filled with chores and helping him to manage his career that she'd barely had time to socialize. She had no friends except the guys and no longer had hobbies. She was totally empty.

However, she would not cry or mourn the sham of a relationship. She'd done enough of that during the time they were together and more at the hotel. John was out of her life and it was up to her to figure her life out. She had to find herself again.

A speaker was turned on and then she heard it; Lucky Dube. Reggae was her go to comfort music. Chike, Chukwudeh and her had grown up listening to reggae that Chike's father liked to blast in the cars. Hearing those songs now brought a smile to her face and her feet was carrying her out.

Chike was grinning at her, waiting with open arms in the living room. He was choosing to be there for her, not minding the pain she'd put him through. Ada had sworn not to cry, but as she ran to bury her face in her best friend's chest, the dam broke.

"Let it out, baby. I've got you." He squeezed her in his arms, placing kisses on her damp hair. She sobbed louder, fisting his shirt in her hands. Chike held her, slowly rocking to the music and let her empty herself.

When she was done, she felt marginally better but refused to lift her head. She didn't want to know what he thought about all that happened. She also didn't want him to see her red and ugly cry face.

"I miss your dad," she finally croaked out, her first words to him all day.

Chike burst into laughter; a sad one as he pulled her away from his wet shirt. "I miss him too and I missed you, Ada." He placed a kiss on her forehead, her heart constricting.

His lips trailed down her face, placing soft kisses on her eyelids and then on her cheeks, kissing away the tears and she just stood in his embrace letting him take away the hurt.

There was a distinct throat clearing from the front door and she turned to see Kachi and Azu with her bags. More tears slipped free as she ran to hug each of them. Kachi awkwardly patted her on the back before pulling away and Azu stood stiffly while she hugged him. It was so typical of them that it made her laugh. She'd missed this trio and with them around, she was going to be alright.

"If you need anything else from your place, we'll get it. The bastard is gone and we have someone coming to change the lock on your doors so he can't have access." Kachi smiled as he spoke, causing her to really look at them.

Azu's shirt had blood on it and Kachi's fist was bursted and bleeding. "Did you kill him?"

"No, unfortunately," Azu replied, mirroring his friends grin.

What had she expected leaving those two hotheads with her ex? Of course they'd fuck him up. She let out a relieved breath, glad that they'd not killed him. It's not that she wouldn't have understood and accepted it, but she didn't want that kind of blood on her friends' hands and she certainly didn't want them to be in any trouble. She'd stressed them all out this period and refused to do more of that.

"Ice cream and pizza or alcohol and pizza?" Chike asked her.

"Definitely alcohol," she replied and the three guys burst into laughter. Chike hugged her again before going to pick up his phone. Kachi placed a kiss on her cheeks and Azu gave her a side, one-armed hug before they went to deposit her bags in the room she was occupying.

She was going to be fine. She had her boys and she knew that they'd make sure she was comfortable and happy. She trailed after them, thanking them again before digging through her bags for something else to wear. Chike's shirt was comfortable but she would not be almost naked with three men around, especially three men that still played like they were kids. She'd be forever mortified if one of them tackled her and found that she had nothing else on under the shirt.


Short chapter but still important. The next chapter would be a toe-curling one so don't forget to watch out for it.

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