027| Outburst 👥😶

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When we arrived at home, Casper wasn't there.

Was it strange that I was looking forward to seeing him? Yes. Yes it was.

"Mum, where's Casper?"
I asked her.

"Oh, him? Casper got admitted into University of Ibadan," Mum replied as she typed on her phone.

"University of Ibadan? Why? Wasn't he supposed to go abroad?" I asked.

Mum laughed, shaking her head. "He never ceases to amaze me. That boy. He said he wanted to go to University of Ibadan, even though it's a public school. That he's tired of being treated like a spoilt daddy's boy, and that he'll further his education there.
He said you should calm him when you come back home."

I nodded my head at her, and went back to my room upstairs.

I made sure to call Casper after dinner, while Audrey and Mum were watching a movie downstairs.
When I called him at first, he didn't answer, so I called Oba first.

It rung only twice before Oba answered the phone.

"Winnie!" Oba said, the same time Rodney called my name,

I laughed as I placed the phone on speaker while I arranged my clothes in my wardrobe.

"Are you people always in the same house?" I asked them and they laughed.

"Our mothers are twin sisters. They grew up together and now, we all live in a big house together.
I and Oba are almost twins.
We're only one week apart and we've been together for so so long."
Rodney explained and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.


When I was done talking to Oba and Rodney, I called Casper, but he did not sound happy.

"Have they told you?"
He asked immediately.

"Good evening to you too, Casper, I missed you."
I said instead.

"Edwin, do you mean that Mum and Audrey didn't tell you that Debra is back in Nigeria?" Casper asked and my voice got stuck in my throat.

"What?" I asked, struggling to find my voice.

"What?!" I yelled, then stood up from the comfort of my bed, and walked down the stairs in rage.

"Why did no one tell me that Debra is back?"
I asked them.

The both of them were speechless and I felt a pit open in my stomach.

"Why is no one talking?"
I yelled at them.

"Stop yelling at us, young lady!" Mother ordered, standing up.

"Why won't I yell? Debra was my whole life! Do you not understand? Have you ever been there for me? Did you ever care? Did it occur to you that I was suffering?  Am I even your child?"
I said the last one in a whisper, causing her to slap me hard.

The slap bounced on the walls and returned back to my ears. My face stung, causing tears to form in my eyes.

"It's not exactly a lie," I said in a soft voice. "You have not been there for me. Not now. Not ever." I whispered.

I staggered back, trying to steady my breaths.

"You knew about this too, Sister?" I asked in a weak, shaky voice.

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