011| Wahala part 1💔🎶

11 5 3

Notice the emojis? 👆.
Well that's the mood for the chapter.



I noticed how Bri was looking at the content on her plate like she was dying.

She looked like death, and it saddened me.
For that reason, all my friends were quiet, and I thought that the worst had happened, but how wrong I had been.

Today was Saturday, which meant social night, and simply to say, no one on our table was feeling social and everyone had been in a foul mood.

It already had been, three days since Dad came to see me. I had terrible or no sleep at all, and I felt quiet broken.

I was scared if everything now, even the hair on my head. But I'd always been a good actress ; so no one knew.

We were all sitting at our table, when the people Infront of us gasped. They were two girls who I identified as Mia and Ewa.

It was so loud, I had to look at their table.

"B-beauty?" Mia called her.

"What?" Beauty snapped in annoyance.

It was obvious beauty did not like her. She didn't like a lot of people and I'd found that the feeling was actually mutual.

"There's some news circulating. Um, can we talk in private?"
Mia asked shakily.

Beauty rolled her eyes.
"Say whatever it is you have to say here. I don't have time for stupid gossipers. I won't stand from my seat for you."

Oba gasped. "Beauty!"
She called.

To her Beauty shot a
"What?" and a hard glare.

Oba shook her head.

"Can you stop being pompous? Are you Beyonce or what? Stop being such a bitch! It's your own problem we are trying to resolve!"
Ewa snapped.

Okay, Ewa is most definitely the bold one of the duo.

"Speak here, or fu*k off from my sight. It's sad enough that we breathe the same air,"
She said arrogantly.

Typical Beauty.

"That's the game you want to play?" Ewa said and smirked.
"I hope you break both of your legs falling off your high horse. Someone has posted in almost every corner of our school, your nudes."

All eyes snapped to Ewa.

"Ehn?" Nneka spat out.

"Are you sure of what you're saying?"
Esosa asked.

Ewa nodded.

"We are so so sorry. It was Judas that was pasting it,"
Mia said in a whisper.

Beauty shook her head as if trying to wake up from a terrible night mare.

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