madness in the kitchen

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We end up stopping at CVS for brownies.

We set the camera up. Olive is sitting behind the camera waiting for us to begin

"hey, welcome back to another video." Nick spoke. "it's like 1 AM and we are at a hotel so we need to be somewhat quiet, but who cares." He added.

"This is part 3 of the Blind, Mute, Deaf cooking challenge so let's begin." Matt said.

I stood beside him, and then the other side of me was chris. I was looking at olive smile at him. i look at him seeing him blushing. i smile too looking back at the camera.

"Who's going to be mute?" Nick asked. "I will." Matt said. Chris began taping his mouth then tying a bandanna around his mouth. He gave me a thumbs up.

"i'm deaf." Chris said. He put the head phones in blasting music already. "i'll give you blind, and i'll do all 3." Nick said. i laugh. "okay."

Matt goes and gets the red bandanna as a blind fold and he ties it around my eyes.

Chris helps nick get all 3 while i get my eyes shut.

"Let's start!" Chris said.

I feel the bowl on the table. I reach for the box of mix and begin opening the box.

i try to open the plastic but it's not working. I go to the knife block and get a knife. i go back to the plastic bag and try to open it, but before i could i hear a hum of a no

so it's either nick or matt. they take the knife away and cut the bag open i'm assuming it's matt since he was the only one to see what to do.

"thanks." i say. they hum a yes. i walk closer to the island to pour the mix into the bowl but i must've not been near the bowl because i'm assuming matt again, put his hand on my wrist and the other on my hand to help me pour it in.

i hear laughing from olive.

"YOU THREW A FUCKING EGG AT ME?!" Nick yelled. "REALLY MATT." he added. he hummed.

matt began to hum no, and he was close so it was him beside me. Chris laughed.

Once the mix was in matt flipped my hand over so my palm was up. he wrote out "egg 2." with his finger.

"Chris, we need to get the eggs. 2." i say. i turn around holding my hand out. he hands me 2. "thanks."

matt took the eggs from me and cracked them. best because on a day i can see, i don't know how to crack eggs without getting shells in it.

"I NEED TO KNOWWWW MHM MHM." Nick began to hum LOUDLY.

I began to hear stirring so i assume they are mixing the batter.

Chris gasped. "Olive! don't eat the batter without our permission!" Chris yelled.

"The butter is on the pan now!" Chris yelled out.

I go over to the bowl. I take the bowl of mix and try to dump it into the pan. But while i was doing that

from behind me was someone who was in a hurry to me. i assume i wasn't close to the pan and i was about to dump brownies on the table.

The oven began to beep. "MATT, CORA.. pour the mix in so we can put it in the oven!" Chris said obnoxiously.

one hand was still on the bowl, the other still on spoon. Matt's too. He put the spoon in the bowl and set the bowl aside. he took the brownies and put them in the oven.


"Are the brownies in the oven?!" Nick loudly spoke. "Yes!" Chris yelled back. "Matt, Chris, stop being gay." Olive said behind camera. Matt hummed something but i have no idea what it was.

I sit on the counter. "Chris' music is so loud." I chuckle. "i literally hear it from here." Olive said. I fold my arms across me as i wait for the brownies.

I hear matt start to hum like crazy. olive is laughing. "what happened!" I ask. "Nick was one more step into a wall."

"could have busted my head just now!" Nick yells.

Soon, The oven beeped. I go get a oven clothe to get the pan out. I get it out and place it on the stove top.

We are now able to take off our headphones, or bandannas off.

we cut the brownies and put it on a plate.

i'm standing beside Matt, he is too the right of me. He had his arm around me, his hand gripping the edge of the counter on the left side of me.

"The brownies are delicious." Chris said. "they are." I say. "Olive you have to come try this." Chris added.

She stands beside chris as he feeds her a piece of brownie. "definitely so yummy." She said sarcastically. "For cooking with what we did, we did a good job." Nick said.

Matt laugh "you and chris were screaming the whole time. Cora and I made them." he said. "so for being blind and can't speak, this brownies are delicious." I add, correcting him.

Nick gave us a side eye. "Thank you for watching." Chris said. "We have our car video wednesday so stay tuned for that." Nick spoke.

"Also, i'm filming a video with Chris on my side channel, so look out for that." Olive announced.

"Anything you wanna announce cora?" Matt asked looking down at me. I shake my head.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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