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Olives pov:

Oh my god. when is cora and matt gonna get together. They are so cute together and and already act like they are dating, like just kiss!

but beside me ranting. We just got to the beach. We are unpacking the chairs, towels and im so ready to get in the ocean. We all hear a scream. I immediately get up and look at where it was coming from. "holy fuck! birds!!!!" nick was screaming. like to the top of his damn lungs. "hahh!!!!" he said again running to the water and shoving his whole body in. "he doesn't come to the beach ... often?" cora said. "does he..." she added.

Chris sighed. "well im going to take my girl friend to the ocean , you guys have fun." chris picked me up "bye guys!" i yelled as we were going to the shore.

"it's fucking freezing!!" Chris said. I laughed. "i'll only go to my waist." i clarified for him. No way in hell i'm going past my waist. "come on ollie. It's just the ocean what's it gonna fucking do." he had that chris smile
on his face. The ones the fans obsess over "fucking sharks." i laughed.

"stop because what if you say there name they summon to you..." he said . i jumped and he caught me. i was beside him but now he's holding me . bridal.
"stop chris imma fucking cry. They are gonna come get you and then imma be dragged down."

he laughed. "even tho we were to our ankles.. it still felt like we were to our chest.

"you know your cute when your scared..." he looked at me, like he was looking in my soul. my heart fell to my stomach. i was ready to die any minute. i put my arms around his neck and pushed myself back to my feet. "your cute all the time." i felt his hands go to my waist. Guys ... only material.. MATERIAL was in the way. But no. he pulled me closer to him. He came in to kiss me and and i went in too. We kissed. And holy fuck. it was magical, i didn't want this to end any time. Our magical kiss was interrupted by Nick still screaming because a birds surround him because he has Ice cream. "SHOO" he says waving his hands. Chris slowly pulls away and smiles while turning his attention to Nick and I turn around to see what hes looking at and we cant contain our laughter. Then i realize Cora and Matt have disappeared "hey Chris" "yeah Ollie?" "Matt and Cora have disappeared" "oh, maybe they went to the boardwalk" "oh yeah maybe, ill go check" "ok, princess" i just turn around and start walking to the boardwalk. Did he just call me princess? Did i like it? Of course i did. Anyway, after i get to the boardwalk i can see Cora and Matt sharing an Chocolate,Vanilla, and Strawberry swirl ice cream cone.

Matts Pov:

After we get to the beach and walk down to the steps Chris says to Cora and I " Well i'm going to take my girl friend to the ocean , you two have fun" then he picked up Olive and he took her down to the ocean and she yelled "bye guys!" I can see Nick freaking out because of the birds. Then Cora says "he doesn't come to the beach often? does he?" i smiled at the thought of me just being with her. "nope not at all, Boston beaches aren't the best" i said. "want to go to the boardwalk? im sure Ollie and Chris are probably going to be making out or something" she said. "shut up leave my brother alone, but yeah sure lets go" i say while laughing and softly punching her arm. Then when we start walking to the boardwalk i feel a light hand brush against mine. i turn my head a little to look at Cora to see if she noticed our hands brushing against another. i had the leap of faith to slid my hand with hers. she smiled at me.


when get ice cream and we just get one. Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry swirl. after she literally begged me to get it and she knows i cant say no to her. "thank you" she said to the worker, "thank you bernard." she put the ice cream in her other hand and looked at me with a smile. "detective bernard" like she did at the airport. i smiled and laughed and she laughed too. Gosh she is beautiful and her laugh is even better. Then she grabs my hand and we walk down the boardwalk laughing and talking. While we were talking she offers me some of the ice cream and i mean why not so we share the ice cream. after we finish the ice cream we walk over to the part of the boardwalk that goes over the ocean then she leans on the railing. "this view is pretty Matt" she said. "not as pretty as those brown eyes" i say back. I can tell shes trying to hide her blushing and smile. "thanks. but that fluffy hair is better." then she stops leaning on the railing and looks at me "i really want to kiss you right now" i whisper hoping she did but also didn't hear it. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and she says "i do too" and i cup one side of her face and she goes on her tippy toes and we both lean in and share and amazing kiss. One i will never forget.

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