Chapter #24: Explain What?!?

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TW: Slight cursing


As Fwhip made his way through the Sactuary, an odd feeling took over his body. His mind started to wander back to his "dream" from the night before. That demon had said to not go to Sausage's empire... Fwhip shook his head. N-no... Nothing will happen to Gem! That wasn't even... Fwhip was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his communicator go off. He hesitantly pulled the communicator out of his pocket.

_-Geminitay fell out of the world-_

Fwhips whole body froze. No... No! That has to be an error or something like that! Fwhips tail twitched as he heard something in his mind speak. I WARNED YOU~ NOW BEFORE SHE DIES AGAIN, I SUGGEST YOU GET OUT OF THIS EMPIRE... NOW!!! Fwhips whole body flinched and he quickly ran back to the minecart and went back to Gobland. He didn't want this to happen... Why was this happening!?! Tears filled the goblin's eyes as he made his way back home. Though... Even Gobland didn't feel like home anymore...

When he was halfway back, his communicator went off again. He pulled it out of his pocket again to see that it was a message from... Scott? Why was Scott messaging him?

-TheSheriffsPedal: You online Fwhip?

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: Um... Yes?

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: What do you need?

-TheSheriffsPedal: You need to explain what in the world is going on!

-TheSheriffsPedal: Like, first you fell out of the world, and now Gem?!

-TheSheriffsPedal: Not to mention that Jim has been acting weird for a few days...

-TheSheriffsPedal: What is happening?!?

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: Idk what you want me to explain!!

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: As far as I know, me and Gem falling out of the world was an error.

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: And idk what is wrong with Jimmy!

-TheSheriffsPedal: Well it's your fucking server!!

-TheSheriffsPedal: You should know what's going on!!!

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: What do you want me to do!?!

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: I'm not a FUCKING GOD!!!

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: Speaking of which, why don't you ask Jimmy who the CoDfAtHeR is!?!

-TheSheriffsPedal: What the hell are you talking about...?

-ShInYgObLiNbOy: Just go fuckng ask him

Sent at 4:58 pm

Fwhip stuffed his communicator back into his pocket and silently wished that everything would just go back to normal... But he knew that would never happen....

379 words

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope you all have a marvelous day/evening/night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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