Chapter #12: Ringing?

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TW: Death, blood, slight description of wounds
(This whole chapter is just Fwhip stuck inside of a "dream world")


Fwhip slowly opened his eyes. Where was he? Slowly, Fwhip looked around. Hanging above him were purple crystals, rather beautiful crystals might I add. It looked like he was in a teenager's bedroom of some kind. There were small posters that were filled with sketches of different builds. On the opposite side of Fwhip was a small desk with a "bin" sitting next to it. On the desk were rolled-out blueprints of something, a few small statues, and more of those purple crystals. While in the bin there were rolled-up blueprints of something else. Above where Fwhip lay in the bed was a window. It looked to be about midnight. Fwhip ears rung, god it hurt... It was also rather annoying as well, but oh well... Even though Fwhip was lying in a bed, it felt like he had just stuck his head into a bell while it was ringing. Shakely, Fwhip got up. After what felt like an eternity, Fwhip slowly pulled himself off of the bed. As he got up, the ringing slowly became quieter. Thanks to the ringing now being quieter, Fwhip could just barely hear the sound of two people yelling. One sounded like it was a woman, while the other sounded like it was a man. This had to be some sort of dream... Right? Being as quiet as he could, Fwhip walked over to the door that led out of the bedroom. After opening it, he saw two people. One was a woman who had long orange-red hair, a beautiful purple dress that had some golden embroidery on it, and a golden crown that sat perfectly on her head. She also looked to be some sort of deer hybrid, as she had what looked to be ears that belonged to a deer in the place where a human's ears would have been. The other was a man that had very short brownish-red hair. He wore a pitch-black suit with a blood-red undershirt and a white tie and another golden crown sat on his head. I guess that they both are the King and Queen of this place... He looked to be a dragon hybrid, as he had giant wings that came out of his back, a pair of light brown horns that came out of the top of his head, and what kind of looked like fins where his ears would have been. Both his wings and "fins" were black and blood-red. A chill ran over Fwhips spine as he stared at the man. He felt himself freeze when he watched as the man pulled a sword out of its sheath and attacked to woman. The woman fell to the ground as blood seeped through the wound in her chest. She was dead... "MOTHER!!!" A girl, probably around sixteen or seventeen years old, ran over to the now-dead Queen. The girl looked almost exactly like Gem, the only difference being that she was a deer hybrid... Making sure he made no noise, Fwhip closed the door. He started to walk over to the window that was over the bed when he caught a quick glance of himself in the mirror. He was a dragon hybrid and he looked almost exactly like the King he had seen before... The only difference was that he sort of looked like... A girl? His hair reached the mid-section of his back. Fwhip twitched his wing and looked around. He looked for a rubber band of some kind so that he could tie his hair up into a bun or a ponytail Eventually, he did find a band of some kind to tie his hair up. He also found makeshift bandages. Fwhip grabbed the bandages.

-Small Time Skip-

Fwhip sat in front of the window. He had his hair tied up into a bun and had used the bandages as a makeshift binder to "hide" the fact that he was a "girl". There was a knock on the door. Fwhip hesitated but after a minute, he answered. "Um... Come in...?" The door opened to show the girl who looked like Gem. "Fai... What happened? How did you-" Fwhip cut off the girl, "Please call me Fwhip..." Realization came over her face, "Are... Are you Trans?" Fwhip slightly nodded, "Um... Yes..." The other slowly walked over to Fwhip before hugging him. "So, if I'm correct, you want to be referred to by he/him pronouns and what to be called 'Fwhip', yes?" Fwhip nodded. "All right. I'll do my best to remember that! Now do you want to go tell your boyfriend, Sausage?" Fwhips face went beet red. The other quietly laughed at Fwhip's reaction. "Just go and tell Sausage before you forget to..." Fwhip nodded before quickly leaving the room by the window. He didn't exactly know where he was going but apparently, it didn't even matter because, in a few minutes, a kingdom came into view. He quickly recognized the Kingdom. When he was younger (outside of this dream world) he remembered reading about different kinds of Kingdoms and Empires from the past. If he remembered correctly, this was the kingdom called Mythland. Fwhip flew over most of the Kingdom and soon landed in front of what seemed to be an iron farm of some kind. Slowly Fwhip walked inside the farm. "Sausage!?" Eventually a head poked out from behind a corner. The person looked familiar... Fwhip slightly shook his head. The person, who was now standing in front of him, wore a normal cream-colored shirt and a pair of black pants. The sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up like he had been working on something only a few seconds before. A piece of armor sat on the person's elbow, it looked like a brace of some kind. Slowly, Fwhips mind started to go back to what he had seen only a few hours before and felt tears starting to fall from his eyes. "Fai?! What are you doing here amor? Are you all right? What happened, mi amor?" Fwhip felt the person's hand cup his face. The dragon hybrid's legs started to shake and he collapsed. The person caught Fwhip and slowly lowered both of them down to the ground. "Shh, it'll be all right, mi amor... You're all right..." Fwhip buried his face into the person's chest, as he started to become tired from all of the crying. The person pulled Fwhip as close as he possibly could. "Rest, mi amor... I'll be right here when you wake up..." That was the last thing Fwhip heard before he completely passed out and everything turned black. 

1130 words

Anyways, if you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and go get some sleep
I hope all of you have a wonderful day evening night and I will see you all in the next chapter :]

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