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"mike?" el knocked on the bedroom door. "can i talk with you? oh, sorry, are you not free?"

he looked up from his laptop, his legs spread in front of him on the bed as he worked. smiling, he shook his head. "no, devil, i'm free come here,"

she walked into their shared room, still in the same house that el and dante used to live in but since there were enough space and privacy, mike decided to move in after they had gotten married.

yes, married.

he proposed five years after they had officially gotten together and yet, nothing changed.

it was still like they were dating.

perhaps they were already living the married life.

sitting on the bed, she scooted closer and crossed her legs. "you know... about..." she inhaled a deep breath. "i don't want to try,"

his brows dipped into a frown. "try?"

"with my... eggs. that's a really funny word," she tried to laugh but then stumbled over her words again when she grew nervous. "i— we only have two chances because of me and it might not even work! i can't bear the fact knowing it'll be my fault we will never ever have children because of it,"

he reached out to hold her hands, seeing her begin to tremble. "that's why we should try. to know. what if it does work, el?"

"i know, i know. i do want to try but i just— the disappointment, mike. i never ever want to fucking live through that. without ever knowing, i can pretend there's hope. after they tell me that both didn't work, it's over. it'll be over,"

he instantly tucked her into his chest when she began to silently cry, her emotions exploding all over his shirt. "so you do want to try? you just never want to know what happens?"

"i don't fucking know, mike. i want to have kids with you! but if it doesn't work... then what?" her voice cracked. "i just can't— im not strong enough to ever know, mike. im so sorry," she sobbed louder, rubbing her eyes with her fists as he instantly caught onto her hands to stop her.

"el, it's okay. as long as i have you... it'll be okay,"

"i just wish i could find out before i even tried. i don't think i'll ever want to take this gamble...."

he bent, kissing her forehead delicately. "i understand, little devil. of course i do,"

"and— and you're not mad?"

his face softened and he tipped her chin up with his fingers. "el, when will you know that all i need is you? i'll never ever fucking be mad at you. i love you, okay?"

she nodded slowly. "i'm so sorry, i love you too." she gave his lips a gentle kiss. "maybe we can adopt. to help little children in need. not a baby though, they always get adopted. maybe some older children."

"we can go see. maybe one will choose us instead,"

her eyes twinkled and she nodded repeatedly. "maybe! like how i chose dante! oh... maybe he chose me. i dunno... he always said he saw his sister when he chose to help me..."

he chuckled and kissed her again. "we'll see, el. we'll never know what the future holds,"

"that's true," she murmured and held onto him tighter. "i love how you just understand me, mike. you're my forever friend,"

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