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el pulled up the blanket, tucking her three dogs in along with boo-boo as they all watched a horror movie.

fear was written all over the animals faces and boo-boo even tried to reach his paw out to el.

el looked over, holding back a laugh at how banana's eyes were wide in fear, not knowing what came next as the blanket reached her nose.

"don't be scared, my lovelies. i'm right here," el whispered as they all collectively let out a gasp.

they whimpered and el moved boo-boo to the other side of her so she would be in the middle for them to cuddle up to her. "hugs!"

they cuddled up to her instantly and el giggled before leaning down to kiss them one by one. "sleep? who needs to sleep? it's getting scary, bubs,"

jello licked her face and she giggled even louder. "sleepy time it is."

two dogs moved from the side to the front and el smile and made sure they were covered with enough of the blanket.

then she reached for the remote to turn off the movie. "ready?"

espresso let out a huge yawn and el reached to give her a pet just as a knock came to her bedroom door. "can i come in? it's dante,"


the door slid open and dante walked in with a warm smile. "hey there,"

she gave a little wave and he tried his best to hide his frown when he noticed the newly made scars on her arm.

"so i wanted to talk to you about tomorrow," he sat down by the edge of the bed and gave banana a pet. "the nurse i hired will stop by. i will be here for you to meet her, i have personally met her already,"

el looked down. "is she nice?"

"extremely. sandra helped me with it, you like her, right? you may not believe me but you can believe her. she helped pick this house too when i couldn't decide between the other nine," he murmured and she let out a chuckle. "sounds like you,"

that made him grin. "so you okay with it?"

el nodded slowly. "i think so,"

he reached over to plant a kiss on her hair before standing. "perfect. i'll wake you up tomorrow for breakfast, okay? goodnight, el,"

she gave a weak wave. "bye, dante,"

he smiled and helped her turn off the lights before shutting the bedroom door for her.

"el, come here,"

el let out a huge yawn, practically hugging onto the handrail of their stairs as she slowly walked down, leaning against it as she dragged her feet down. "i'm tired,"

dante walked over to assist her as the pups instantly perked up, detecting her presence.

"i know, piccolo," he whispered. "you can take a nap later,"

she nodded at that and gave each puppy a huge pet and kiss. "morning, my babies. i love you so so much,"

she straightened up and held onto dante's arm to follow him to the kitchen through one of the halls, looking left and right.

"good morning, el," the woman turned around, two plates in hand before setting it down on the dining table.

el frowned at the amount of food made and then she turned to dante. "she is cheery,"

he chuckled quietly and kissed the top of her head. "el, this is grace. the nurse i hired for you,"

her glare hardened without noticing and he just smiled sweetly. "not a good night sleep?"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now