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el sat on the grass ground, huffing as she blew out smoke from her cigarette, turning her head at the tired and bloody man who has given up by the wood wall.

"want a hit?" she asked and his eyes slowly moved to her, looking her up and down. "is this how... how you always end it?" he breathed out tiredly as she fed him in the cigarette before turning it to burn it against the skin on his face.

"not all," she smiled weakly. "i guess you're one of the nicer ones. you know it's ending,"

he let out a small chuckle and looked away. "i didn't want to do all this, you know. i didn't have a choice,"

"you always have a choice," her voice was firm. "to not harm little girls. to not prey on them. to not abuse your power. they deserved better,"

"you don't have a choice when you grow up in a family like this," his head shook. "you do what you're told to survive," he looked at her. "i can't believe it ends in the hands of a girl like you,"

"i'm not just any girl," she remarked and her brow raised. "you have no idea..."

he chuckled tiredly, letting out a fit of coughs as he held the bloody wound on his side. "i like the maze,"

she smiled widely. "me too," she finished off her cigarette before putting it out. "you always have a choice. you just didn't make the correct one. it's why you're here,"

"i suppose it's better dying there,"

she froze, eyes narrowing. "what do you mean?"

"dying in the hands of a girl like you. better than dying in mine or my family's," he smiled at her before looking down at her scars. "you kill people like me because of the people that treated you wrong?"

she paused before nodding slowly. "people preyed on me. when i was weak... i guess i still am but... but i'm fighting back,"

"i hope you know..." he exhaled tiredly before looking up. "i never hurt them... i just didn't stop them,"

she bit down on her lip to stop her tears before she reached forward, watching his last breath before she shut his eyes with her bloody palm.

"i guess we're kind of the same... you just had no one to guide you.." she stood up and smiled softly before walking away and out of the maze.

pulling out her phone, she dialled the first person she thought of.

"piccolo? is it done?"

a small rolled down her cheek. "i liked this one. it hurt a little,"

"what did he say?"

she stayed silent before exhaling shakily. "pick me up? please?"

"outside already. don't worry," he assured her and she nodded to herself before walking through the house and outside to the car parked out front.

dante stood by the hood of his car, in his suit with his arms crossed.

he straightened up instantly when he saw her and took a step forward to assist her. "are you okay?"

she nodded. "i am." her eyes adverted to the ground. "he was a lot like me though... maybe that's why it hurt a little,"

he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly. "if you want to stop, we can. i'll support you, el. okay? we don't have to do this anymore,"

"but... but..." her voice cracked and wavered. "we have to avenge! your... YOUR SISTER! she—"

"we can finish after that," he whispered. "it hurts my own heart when i see you break more and more each day,"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now