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mike looked around the apartment, taking in the decor as he stepped in whilst el shut the door and took off all the leashes.

"be free!" she exclaimed but the three puppies stayed by her feet for a second before settling down in the living room which was two steps away.

"isn't it so pretty?" el asked, looking around the apartment with a smile before turning to mike. "xavy, blaze and damy are out doing... i don't know... but they'll be back later,"

he nodded slowly, continuing to inspect the place. "the place is nice, i guess,"

she held up a finger. "wait right here. needa change," she walked towards her room and he looked down the hall. "you don't have a door?"

"nope..." she trailed off and he followed her, looking at the door that has removed. "you don't have privacy then,"

"no, i do! 'cuz dante knocks right here," she hid behind the wall and demonstrated. "and his room over there so...." she trailed off and he looked down the hall to his room.

"so why don't you have a door?"

she shrugged weakly. "b'cuz i get sad and i get too sad sometimes so dante takes the door away so i don't get too sad again," she explained briefly before giggling. "i have to change... unless you wanna watch," she gasped and wiggled a brow.

he instantly turned. "i do not,"

she gasped again, walking closer into the room to take off her makeup and to change into comfier clothes.

mike sat down on the couch, petting one of the dogs, who's name he didn't know, on the head as he waited, el coming back out within a few minutes.

he stared at her for a few seconds, seeing her in an oversized shirt and absolutely no makeup. "you took your scary makeup off,"

"it's not scary!" she groaned loudly and stomped her feet repeatedly. "i'm a good dolly!"

"okay, okay, jesus. stop doing that stomping that," he muttered and she frowned but sat down next to him. "i don't try to be scary... they're just always scared." she whispered and then turned on the tv.

"okay, we always watched cartoons 'cuz that's the only channel available," she murmured as jello circled on feet and then jumped to her lap.

he looked over at her, their faces inches apart. "that sounds pretty boring,"

"no, it doesn't," she reached over and gently tapped his nose before giggling. "i hope you remember, mike..."

"why? i mean, there's not much—"

"of course there is!" she exclaimed loudly and pulled back with a huff. "because you forgot all the good stuff! and... and... it makes me sad 'cuz you're all i had! and you just— you forget it all!" she exclaimed in extreme frustration. "it's just not fair... they did this to you,"

he stayed quiet for a second before responding. "perhaps you should just tell me then, el. tell me everything,"

she shook her head. "nope. never! gotta find out yourself," she began to smile again.

he bent, picking up a rottweiler to place on his lap before patting the empty spot next to him to signal for the other one to lay next to him.

"not even one story?" mike asked, turning to el who clicked through different channels.

"well... i'll tell you one," she giggled and he instantly straightened up.

el drummed her chin with her fingers, humming as she began to think. "uh, i fucked you on your bed after i got thrown into the naughty dolly cell and then you got thrown in because i woke up in your bed naked. oh! and then i got in too! and i push food on the walls!"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now