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el walked around the house, fluffy flamingo slippers on as she followed boo-boo around the foyer, making sure he wasn't making a mess whilst he rolled a ball around.

"el, i would think i would get the attention and not the raccoon," mike said, leaning against the wall in the hallway, his leg over the other with his arms crossed. "you called me,"

"stop being so needy, mike,"

he furrowed his brows. "little devil, i beg your pardon."

that made her smile from ear to ear before disappearing into the living room, him smiling as he watched her too.

"mike," dante walked up to him from behind. "a word?"

"and if i say no?"

dante rolled his eyes. "i didn't miss this side of you," he walked towards his office but mike followed him in, closing the door behind him.

"you didn't even know me for that long anyways,"

dante circled his desk whilst ignoring him, picking up his drink before handing one to mike. "i need a favour,"

mike let out a snicker. "from me?"

he didn't meet his gaze but instead threw over a file. "i want you to convince el to see a therapist," he nodded his head at the file and mike opened it to see the content. "i already tested her and everything, she's pretty good and i think el will benefit from it. she just won't try and maybe you can convince her,"

"what the fuck does tested her mean?"

"i went to her. as a client. she's... she's helpful, okay? el needs this. just try and convince her for me,"

mike scanned over the details of the therapist, shutting the blue file before straightening up. "i'll see what i can do. but you know how she is, she hates trying new things,"

dante let out a sigh and gave a small nod. "i know. just... give it a try. she's—" he eyed the door. "you've seen her. you know what she needs. even grace can't help much. she has been trying though, eating a bit more and considering on the meds. if she sees an actual psychiatrist they can provide better medication,"

mike hummed, nodding along. "grace seems nice. el likes her,"

that made dante smile. "i know."

a small sigh escaped mike and he set down the file before looking at the door. "i'll try," he gave a goodbye nod and headed to the door, opening it before jumping at how el stood there with her eyes wide.

"where you go? you were supposed to wait!"

he chuckled, tracing a hand over her cheek before cupping her face. "oh, you're so cute. come on, let's get you dinner," he turned her and hugged her tightly, her smile brightening as she followed him.

"where's your boo?" he asked and she pointed to the side. "playing with my doggies. you gonna stay the night?"

he nodded and pulled out a chair for her, making sure she was sat down before pushing her back in.

"dante!" she shouted for him. "get in here!"

"let me feed the dogs first!"

she smiled when grace placed down the plates of food, turning to give boo-boo a rub before ushering him away. "boo-boo, go eat,"

boo-boo whined, running on all fours to el's feet to hug her and el bent to hold his hands. "go eat, my little boo."

he let out whining squeals before trying to crawl up her leg, jumping up and down for her attention.

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now