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mike looked over his shoulder, watching el follow his every step.

when he stopped, she stopped. when he walked, she walked too.

"you said you'd leave me alone after last time,"

"you have yet to return my knife," she smiled widely and continued to follow him.

his eyes narrowed. "that you said i could keep,"

"oh, it was a heat of the moment thing! and i lied last time. today i'm in a good mood to follow you!" she exclaimed happily as his eyes rolled. "of course you are,"

"see, i was a good dolly. i rested three days," she giggled to herself as she began to skip to catch up to him.


"mhm!" she finally caught up to him. "did you see me? nope! i have rested! i am a better dolly now," she told him, tapping his arm three times as she told him.

he looked down at her. "doubt it,"

she pouted at him and skipped besides him which was the same pace as his slow walking. "why you so mean, mike?" she stomped a feet with a huff. "i came to tell you how i am a better dolly. i didn't cry since last night and i let dante bandage me. LOOK AT IT!"

he looked down, seeing her bandaged thighs and arms. "good,"

she stopped, a sad expression taking over her face instantly. "i'm not scary... i promise... please don't be scared of me,"

"i never said i was scared of you,"

"actions speak louder than words..." her gaze dropped down to the ground. "you were never scared of me. even when i was of myself. why are you scared of me now?"

"for fucks sake, i never said i was,"

her eyes glassed up and she sniffled. "you act like it...i just... i just get sad,"

"well are you sad now? no,"

she frowned. "just wanted to show you..." she whispered. "'cuz i do wanna be friends. you just don't like me for some reason,"

he ignored her, examining her figure. "you look skinnier,"

then she finally smiled. "really?" her smile brightened. "thanks,"

"that wasn't a compliment," he told her quietly and she shrugged a little. "it is to me," she looked down to herself. "i know it's working then," she turned the other way to walk away but this time, he followed after her.

"what's working? el, what are you doing?"

"isn't it simple? it's easy to see," she whispered, voice cracking as she motioned to the environment near them. "so simple...."

"you look skinnier each time i see you,"

"that seems good, isn't it?" her chest rose as her breathing increased. "doesn't that make me less scary?"

"no, it makes you seem unhealthy,"

"maybe i am," her voice was scarily gentle and somehow, it frighted him.

she blinked slowly. "i'm sorry, i should go. i've been a bad dolly..." she looked down to the ground and then back up at him. "i've been a bad dolly..."

"you just said you—"

"good dolly's make evil go. good dolly's don't become the evil," her voice cracked as she wiped the corner of her eyes.

"gonna go back..." her voice trailed off like usual before she slowly walked away, this time, him not following.

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now