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the knife trailed over his cheek delicately, slicing his cheek open as el watched with a weak smile. "ashes... ashes..." she whispered to himself as she turned around to face blaze.

"my dolly is fixed," she murmured, holding a hand out to him. "what shall i do?"

he bent to her, gently caressing her hair. "what do you want to do? evils need to perish,"

she nodded. "they do," she picked a blow torch and smiled from ear to ear and turned back. "dolly! i'll make you even prettier!"

his eyes widened, screaming against the cloth gagging him as el began to burn his skin like he was food. "good dolly, good dolly. i'll make you pretty again. PERISH EVIL! PERISH DEMON!"

he screamed in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks as she burned his arms and his cheeks but slowly. "shh! SHH! i can't THINK!" she slashed the knife down into his liver before huffing with frustration.

"oh no! dolly! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to!" she pulled the knife out and then held his cheek before burning his other cheek.

"shh," she slapped him across the face and continued to burn his forehead.

when he screamed in pain, she shouted at him and finished the job. "SHUT UP!" she shoved him away from her body and stood up in a hurry, heading out of the room.

"EVERYONE IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!" she kicked the nearest wall with a huff. "XAVY, CLEAN UP!" she walked downstairs, making sure her stomps were loud as she covered her ears.


she broke down into small cries, dropping to her knees as she sat on the wooden ground. "evils...." she whispered to herself, scratching her sharp nails over her bumpy skin, irritating her cuts even more.

"no one gets me..." she began to look around, tears clouding her vision. "i'm alone,"

she placed her palms on her cheeks, pulling down as she ran her nails down her face. "perish evils, perish. demon thoughts..." her eyes closed, feeling her mascara running down her cheeks.

"please go... everyone goes but you don't... i just want you to,"

"el, that's enough. get off," dante told her, grabbing her arm as he attempted to pull her off the scale.

she shoved him away. "fuck OFF!" she screamed at him and watched the numbers.

"el, i won't ask you again. get off, now."

she turned back, blinking as tears formed before she got down from the scale. "why?"

he opened his arms and she took one step and into his arms, breaking down into gasping cries. "i feel like i'm going to die," her breath shuddered. "do you hear that? do you? everyone's watching. they're here. they're watching. i'm going to die. i'm going to suffocate. dante, i'm going to die. demons. evil. they're here. they're here. you don't get it. you don't get me. i cant do this. i cant." she began to ramble, panic and fear bubbling as she looked around, eyes scanning their shared bathroom.

"watching. the demons are watching,"

"no, they aren't." he gently rubbed her back. "take a deep breath, piccolo."

she shook her head. "i feel like i'm losing it. my mind is— it's scrambled. no one understands— i don't want to be here. i don't want any of this anymore. i cant be here," she sobbed, her eyes falling shut as the pain overtook her body. "i can't do this. i cant, i cant, i—"

"stop that. you can. you will suck it up, el. do not second guess yourself because you can do this. do you hear me!?"

she shook her head repeatedly. "i hate you, i hate you. i hate you so much, i should've jumped off that train. i should've. I HATE YOU!" she began to squirm in his hold but he held her still, stopping her from covering her ears.

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now