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"not insane, not insane. don't listen to them, i'm not insane,"

el rubbed her face repeatedly, turning around on the couch as she huffed. "damien, i want my blanket,"

he bit down on a granola bar and pointed ahead. "it's right there, el,"

she pouted, a frown on her face as she grabbed it from the end of the couch. "damy," she sat up straight. "let's go for an adventure,"

he shook his head. "dante will be pissed,"

she pouted further, softening her eyes. "please...."

he sighed, shaking his head. "fine, fine. where do you want to go?"

she instantly giggled, smiling widely before standing to walk over and hug him. resting her chin on his chest, she tipped her head up. "i want to follow him,"

"is that a good idea?"

she nodded and smiled from ear to ear. "of course! i am a better dolly now. i am good!"

he narrowed his gaze at her and shook his head. "fine, fine. but didn't he forget you—"

"NO, HE DIDN'T!" she screamed loudly and stomped her feet. "HE JUST— HE WILL REMEMBER!"

he nodded and she quiet down and stopped her stomping. "sorry..."

"it's okay," he whispered with a gentle smile before cupping her face. "let's go before dante notices,"

she nodded repeatedly, "yes,"

she headed for the door instantly and bounced up and down as she waited for him to exit the apartment after her, him going to press the button to the elevator for her.

"thanks," she smiled at him before giggling. "aren't i a good one? i said thanks,"

he let out a snicker, shaking his head as she chuckled, "i guess so, el,"

she gave a childish grin before walking into the elevator, giggling at her reflection inside before walking up to the mirror to rub on her face.

"wish i was pretty," she murmured to herself as he shook his head. "you are beautiful,"

she shrugged in response and turned back, hand over her stomach with a huff. "quiet, QUIET!"

looking down at her stomach, she frowned and felt her boney arms. "i feel fat,"

"you're beautiful,"

she looked down to the ground, sadness consuming her and eating her alive in a split second. "i wonder what mama would think of me now,"

"her opinion doesn't matter, el,"

she shrugged, her voice quiet. "it doesn't but i can't help but think about it," she scratched her skin with a small sigh. "am i stupid?"

he shook his head and pulled her into his chest. "you aren't at all. you just want her love and we all understand that,"

"you're not stupid. remember that,"

"i... i'll try.." she promised quietly and hugged on tighter, trying her best to find warmth in his arms.

"he's there," el pointed ahead, hiding behind a tree. "see?"

"yes, i do," he nodded as she began to walk, following mike down the road as damien trailed behind her.

but she was noticed instantly.

"i've had it," he turned to face her. "are you done? the fuck do you want from me, i can't turn my memory on,"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now