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el gently knocked on dante's bedroom door, pushing it open before looking for him. "can i talk to you, brother?" she murmured quietly and he sat up on his bed properly, giving a nod to invite her in.

she sat on his bed, grabbing one of his pillows to hug. "i'm gonna... i'm gonna go therapy but i... i need you," she mumbled. "and i have a deal,"

he began to smile happily, "go on, piccolo,"

"you go with me. you... you already go but... i need you— need you there." her breathing stuttered with a gasp. "and— you— you just need to be in the room— at least,"

he leaned forward to hug her, gently soothing her as he nodded. "of course, i will,"

she gently wiped her tears with the back of her hand before whispering. "gonna go find grace..."

"el," he began to stand to follow her when she hurried to her feet. "you okay?" he tried to catch on to her but she left his room before he grasped onto her.

then he noticed the small blood stain on her shirt.

he watched as she entered the hall and into grace's room, ease flowing through him before he waited.

walking in, el found grace tidying up and organising her room. "grace," el's voice wavered. "i..."

grace instantly looked up, walking to her side to assist her. "what's wrong, sweetheart?" her voice was filled with concern as el inhaled a sharp breath. "i need... my meds but i... i already took them but i forgot when but i need,"

grace gently reached out to hold her wrists, turning them around to see her lightly scarred arms. "how are you feeling? are you panicked?" grace murmured, giving a motion for her to stay before walking to the bathroom to pull out a mini first aid kit.

"a little,"

"and why's that?" grace sat back down and began to tend to her wounds. "are you tired?"

el nodded slowly. "feel... like pressure on my chest?"


"i think it is...?"

grace placed two bandages over her small cuts, putting her stuff away before going to find some medication in her medicine bag.

"what else? any other thoughts, honey?"

el shook her head lightly. "no... just very... it's all so stressful,"

grace picked through some medicine before handing it to her. "these should help you sleep, darling,"

el's mouth dropped agaped, looking up at her with her eyes wide a little. "how did you know i couldn't sleep?"

grace just smiled.

"thank you..." el leaned in and hugged her tightly before sighing at the warmth. "i'm gonna go bed..."

giving a nod, grace pulled back and gently placed a hand on her head. "i'm proud of you. goodnight, el,"

"night, grace," el stood and then gave a warm smile before leaving the room and heading back to dante's.

he was still wide awake.

"you got huge bed, we sleepover," el said without allowing him to reply, circling to the other side before sitting down, taking a few pills out before swallowing it.

"but we've gotten huge too, el,"

"i don't care! i don't! you're my brother so you're supposed to give me my sleepovers like we used to before!" she exclaimed before letting out a yawn. "now scoot! i need to sleep!"

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