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mike: where are you, devil?

el growled, trying to push dustin away as he put a beanie on her. "go away!" she let out a bark to scare him off before her expression turned and she smiled down at her phone.

"stop texting," lucas told her and slid over the remaining plate of lunch to her. "eat,"

she placed a finger to her lips. "shh!"

el: eating

el: join us

mike: us?

el: ugh mike our old friends! they'd love to see you

mike: nah i shouldn't, i don't remember them. it'll be too awkward.

el: 🙄😤 you're too awkward.

mike: don't full stop me.

el: .

el: we're at the italian place if you want to come

she put her phone down and then picked up a piece of bread, turning to max to shove it in her mouth. "yummy,"

max tried to soften her glare as she grunted.

"when can we see the new house?" dustin asked as will gave him a shove. "dustin, you can't just self invite to peoples house,"

"i was just asking—"

"you can all come later!" she looked down at her phone when she felt a buzz and then smiled. "mike is coming too! but, he doesn't remember so it's not you. it's him," she then covered one side of her mouth as she whispered. "he gets moody,"

"how moody?" lucas asked. "he was always moody,"

"no! he wasn't moody!" el exclaimed loudly with a huff. "he was a very nice man,"

dustin rolled his eyes dramatically to prove his point. "he kept to his own room all the time," he pointed out. "only you could stand him, el,"

el glared at him. "not everyone can be social like you, dustin. we don't befriend the people who put us away,"

"i didn't befriend—"

"shut up, dustin," lucas gave him a shove. "el, finish your food and let's go,"

el turned to max and made a mocking face. "how you live with them is a mystery to me,"

max nodded in agreement and held el's hand. "i agree, el," she pointed at the dish in front of el which made her pick up her fork.

after she finished there several bites left, she gave a nod and gathered her things, them calling the waiter over to pay the bill.

"where's your new house?" lucas asked as el hummed. "um... i dunno the address. it's like close but far,"

"wow, thanks. i know exactly where that is,"

she raised her middle finger. "you are so mean," she gave her portion of cash to max who paid. "let's go! we can walk there!"

"but you said it was far," max pointed out and el tilted her head and tapped her chin. "it's not that far,"

she turned back, making sure everyone was ready to leave before they exited the restaurant.

"is mike going to your house?" will asked and el shrugged. "i dunno," she looked down to her phone to text him.

el: not going?

mike: stop that frown and look up, darling

she instantly tipped her head up and gasped when she saw mike exiting his car, pulling off his sunglasses before fixing the cuffs of his suit.

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