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the basement was filled with weapons no one should ever see, darkness consuming the room except for the small dim light el turned on.

a small cage to torture people who didn't matter as much, a desk filled with other and smaller weapons.

but it was only her here tonight. no one else.

picking up a glass, she threw it against the nearest wall with a scream, continuing to throw things that shattered on the floor.

dropping to her knees, she covered her ears with a loud scream like sob, hiding her face into her knees as she felt the shattered glass beneath her bare feet.

what is wrong, el? you have becoming evil lately.

"go away," she muttered, keeping her head low.

look at you. so evil. but you've become weak. how disgusting to look at. are you sure your little boyfriend loves you?

"go away!" she said a little louder this time.

weak. fragile. that's what you are. why are you still here? is there a point?

"no," she answered.

the evil swam around her, filling the room before arriving in front of her.

so why are you here? have you become soft. you won't help the world. you have no purpose. you're useless.

she remained silent.

what can you do? nothing. the evil is you...

"and not you?"

why would i be me?

"you're me. in my head."

IM NOT IN YOUR HEAD! god, you think you know it all!

"the what are you?"

that's for you to decide. i guide you.

el blinked tiredly, more tears escaping. "to do what? you just show me evil. you're so loud! you are so loud and it's so annoying!"

i'm being honest.

el stood and tried to swat her arms everywhere. "GO AWAY! JUST GO AWAY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

i'm never going anywhere. i'll always be here.

el picked up an axe, throwing it directly at the shadow with a scream before she breathed heavily, watching it hit the wall instead.

a cackle echoed in the room as el's breathing heaved, her steps small when she stepped up to the wall to check the mess she made.

her fingers trailed over the crack in the wall, next to the axe stuck and her eyelids sagged with a sigh.

a few minutes later, the basement door opened and she heard footsteps down the stairs before she realised it was dante.

even without turning.

"i'm sorry," her voice wavered. "i..."

she heard the cracks of glass before he spoke. "it's okay. i'll clean it," he walked to her and looked to the floor. "i'm going to pick you up,"

she gave a small nod and he placed his hands under her arms to carry her to the stairs where there wasn't glass.

"are you in pain?" he asked and her head shook but he could see that the bottom of her feet was bleeding.

he gave an assuring smile and nodded. "i'll carry you to the living room, okay? and then i'll take the glass out,"

"what glass?"

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now