Chapter 27

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Wolfia's POV:

"Who are you? Address yourself at once!" I asserted. "Who am I you ask?" The man-like creature descended. Once his feet touched the ground, I was able to make out the features on his face. It was similar to that of a farmer's goat.

"I have many names. Some call me a God. Some call me a demon. Some call me both." Slowly, he began to walk towards us. "I am Baphomet." He introduced with pride. I could feel my heart sinking more and more as I heard his dreadfully deep voice.

"Baphomet... I've heard about you." I commented as I brought my fists up, ready for a brawl. "Then no words are further advised. It's been boring playing with the same toy for three days straight." Baphomet grinned.

I turned to face the Empress with a look of surprise. I was impressed. "You actually held your own for that long-?" I asked her, but I had gotten punched all the way to the other side of the tower's walls.

As I struggled to get back up, I could see that it was Baphomet who dealt that blow. I honestly had a feeling he got off to it. "This vessel isn't that bad." Baphomet stretched his fists, hinting that the body he fought in wasn't his own.

"Sh*t... I'm gonna need help guys.." I rubbed my face, bringing myself together. 'It's okay! We give you permission to fight with all of your abilities.' May permitted. 'LET ME GO YOU WITCH OF A NIRSHUM!!' Lex slurred.

Not taking what happened into account, I focused on the battle ahead. Since they were already near each other, the Empress started throwing multiple punches at Baphomet with fairly decent speed.

With the need to help her, I went into Maki mode. And with a dash of my foot, I punched him in the face twice as hard as he did me. He slid back, but he barely budged. "Get out of her Empress. You need to rest." I concerned.

"After what his people did to my kingdom? No thanks. I still have strength to fight. The name's Evary by the way." She posted up. "Wolfia." I did the same. Baphomet licked his lips. "This is gonna be fun." He pointed a finger at us, shooting powerful strikes of black electricity.

Just barely dodging we both ran up to him with a  vengeance. Not scared at all, he stayed where he was and put his finger down. Then, me and Evary both threw our best punches at him. Just a few inches away from his skin, he caught our fists.

With a light huff, he threw us up in the air with ease. I seized the opportunity, and spewed a fresh ball of magma towards his direction. Somehow, he pulled a Tenebris and manipulated the shadows to slice it into multiple pieces.

While I stayed above in the air, Evary called on more of her plants to help maneuver her back down as they crashed through the castle walls. Seconds later she was sliding down a thick road of amalgamated plants, grabbing a thorn whip from the thickets.

Using the same thickets she slid on, Evary jumped off and manipulated them to attack Baphomet. With a slight of hand, his hands ignited with blood colored fire. He aimed one of them at the attacking plants, and a blast of flames rushed upon Evary with destruction.

Quickly diving towards the ground, I stomped on the floor. A wall of solid marble arose and was able to shield Evary from the blast. I looked back at Baphomet, and he was about to use his other hand to blast me away too.

But Evary used her whip to grab his wrist, and fling towards my right, not only directing the blast out of the castle, but also bringing Evary down to Baphomet's level again. Like the swift wind, she was able to land a kick on his face.

Yet again, it still didn't look to hurt him. Regardless, Evary wrapped her whip around his neck, giving me some time to punch him in his torso. With every punch I threw, I put more strength into.

The walls and the floor started to crack instantly once my strongest impacts met. Baphomet didn't even flinch the entire time, but he didn't have to. Evary opened her mouth, and it looked like a rainbow of light was forming in her gullet.

And with a loud screech, that colorful beam of light was unleashed. Suddenly, Baphomet let out a horrid scream of pain and anguish. Out of desperation, he unleashed enough pressure to push us both away from him.

Sliding back on all ten toes, I knew that she had done something to him. "Agh-F*CK!! THAT HURT LIKE HELL! WHAT KIND OF DRACONIC SUBSPECIES SPITS LITERAL LIFE ESSENCE?!" Baphomet held his face.

"Well apparently this one." Evary pointed at herself indifferently. Baphomet put his hands together. "That's it. No more games!" Baphomet vowed. With an unexpected twist, red lightning started to strike down from the ceiling.

In the blink of an eye, I went into Drake form. My skin was more than strong enough to withstand the constant shocks. But Evary, although turning to Drake form, she used her plants to shield herself from the voltage.

Not resting a single moment, she spewed another beam of light at him. But Baphomet, having magic at his side, teleported behind her. The beam was headed towards my way, but I quickly sidestepped out of there.

I couldn't say the same for Evary though... when Baphomet had his hand plunged through her chest. "It was fun until you hurt me." Baphomet spat. After he pushed her down, I could see the life in her eyes fading away.

I clenched my muscles and clapped, making the entire castle collapse on us. With me being an earth dragonblood, I would not be effected. So there we were, falling while we dashed towards each other, exchanging hits with one another.

As we fell more and more, we were finally fully under the rubble. The castle had completely collapsed, along with the body of the Empress. With no difficulty, I climbed out of the rubble. As for Baphomet, so did he.

But as soon as he levitated out of the mess I had created for him, he started choking me with telekinesis. I threw everything had at him. Boulders, pillars, rubble, almost anything. But it didn't seem to work.

I was starting to feel my conscience slip away. My vision was darkening. I felt numb all over my body. The only thing I could feel... was my adrenaline. Even near death, it spiked higher than ever before.

'You better not die.' I heard them speak. Lex. May. Of course they would say that. But almost instantly I could feel everything again. I was on the ground once more. I could breathe and see clearly that Baphomet was looking at me as if I wasn't the same person.

Well, I sure didn't feel like myself.

Well, I sure didn't feel like myself

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