Chapter 4

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Ajin's POV:

Last night was definitely a night that we remembered while out on our journey. A battle against those dark monsters. They appeared out of nowhere, and without a shred of mercy, attacked us while they were present.

Yet in the midst of last night's dark and creepy event, there was somehow a more surprising plot twist that had our eyes pop out of our heads like a cartoon... figuratively speaking. And it was that Mucci gang's leader, Xenon, had been tailing us from afar this entire time.

To be honest, we all had questions that night. Questions on why he'd do such a thing. It made sense that our journey brought no concern to him after all. He wasn't the one who had to stare death right in the face.

But the group was clearly tired that night from all of the walking, excluding the small battle they won. So Mango concluded that we'd allow him to sleep with us inside of the shadow tents that Tenebris made for us instead.

I saw no problem with it, so of course I let him be and slept. And just like that, the next day already pulled up on us. And as soon as the first light showed up, I woke up and alerted every single one of the group that it was time to go... after Salma scavenged some eggs for us. She was the first one to be awake before anyone.

But after breakfast, that was the time we set out. Our minds stayed focus where Mango would lead us with the Solar powered map. His eyes would shine and glow like the sun, revealing the paths of the map that told us where to go. We were lucky to have him.

And of course, just like yesterday, we kept walking for hours upon hours upon hours to the point it would feel boring. But that's when things started to brighten up a bit... I guess. "Hey Mango, how much longer we got now?" Tenebris asked.

"Just 400 more miles and we'll be golden." Mango responded. And I was able to just feel the amount of relief some of the group had felt after hearing those words. "Guys, I still don't get it. Why on earth are we letting one of our strongest oppositions come with us?" Nagima brought up the situation.

"Because one, you can't make me leave even if you wanted to. And two, I'm only here because I was told to come here." X answered them. "Wait, who the hell would send you to come along with us?" Lisanna asked with suspicion. "Death." X answered blankly.

As soon as I heard that one word or name, I stopped walking, and I turned to face X. "Wait... what do you mean 'Death' was the one who told you sneak a ride with us?" I raised an eyebrow at him, catching someone else at the side of my eye.

 what do you mean 'Death' was the one who told you sneak a ride with us?" I raised an eyebrow at him, catching someone else at the side of my eye

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It was that guy from before. The guy that Don mentioned speaking to. This made me curious about him more and more than I initially thought.

"It happened in a dream when it said to come with y'all, but I really just wanted to be sneaky by myself to be honest." X answered my previous question, and I knew for a fact that he was aware of me catching a glance at the dude beside him.

And seeing as no one was aware, I didn't wanna start a panic or anything. X started smirking out of nowhere. "So I'm guessing that you see him too?" X uttered. I immediately glanced back at X again. "W-what do you mean?" I played dumb at the last second.

"Don't play dumb with me. I see your lookalike over there as well." X pointed directly at Don, who stood next to me on my right. 'Well, that definitely answers my question.' Don said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

'Think about it Ajin. The super strength, the super speed, flight, damage reflection, invisibility, aura emission, and now this? I don't think he's just a mere copycat Ajin.' Don listed. Immediately, a shock of realization ran through me as all of the pieces came together.

"Ajin, are you talking to Don? What's going on?" Lisanna asked cluelessly. "Don probably knows something about X." Nagima crossed their arms. "Ugh, dude just let it go. Like what the f*ck. He's not hurting anyone is he?" Max spoke, clearly aggravated.

"I just don't see the point in him coming along. We already have multiple powerhouses with us on this goose chase of a journey, so why is he still here? We both know he's like Ajin, so he's more than capable of running home by now." Nagima ranted, completely interrupting my train of thought.

"Guys, guys! Let's try and remain calm. Maybe instead of fighting, we should keep moving. The sooner we get to where we need to be, the better." Athena spoke up. "She's right. There's no point in fighting over something I knew was gonna happen." Zaina commented.

Suddenly, all eyes were directed at her. "You knew?!" We all said in bewilderment. "We were busy walking at the time! Besides you'd learn to accept it at some point, so why bother?" Zaina tried to speak her way out of it.

"Oh my goodness.." Even Majin shook his head at her. Pretty much all of us felt exasperated with her unknown action. X remained indifferent to it. "Well... if that's the case, I say we keep following Mango and hash it out later." Tenebris said.

"Right. I agree!" Skyla said with enthusiasm, and probably to lighten up the mood. "Mhm!" Harlow nodded vigorously. "Alright. Now let's go back on the trail everyone!" I asserted. No complaints seemed to have been heard.

And just like that, we kept walking. The forest didn't seem to respond to our constant bickering in any type of way. And nor did it really respond to our presence within it... until a tree root grabbed me by the foot.

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