Chapter 26

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Nagima's POV:

The illuminating presence of the angel winged man had us all stunned. All except for Abyss. "Vengeance. Have you come to train your child?" Abyss asked him. Immediately I began to assume that him and 'Sora' had Tenebris together!

"Yes I have. I merely came to see how yours was doing." Vengeance looked down at Tenebris. Immediately my heart began to calm down. Me and the others stayed on the hill Abyss put us on though, just in case.

"He is doing as he should. He will aid well in the war." Abyss responded. "Wait a minute! Hold on a just, what did you even mean by an awakening?" Tenebris questioned abruptly. The man simply smiled with a soft chuckle.

"It means that you've ascended to your highest potential. And now your power is higher than that of mere mortals." Vengeance enlightened. "So what you're saying is... I evolved?" Tenebris questioned.

"It's more than just that young warrior. You've turned into an entirely different being." Vengeance said. My sight narrowed with interest. "What do you mean by that?" Tenebris raised an eyebrow. Vengeance sighed.

"Do you even know who you just fused with..?" Vengeance asked. "Uhh, a snake made of shadows? I kind of just took a leap and went for it." Tenebris told. "Not just any shadow snake, let alone any mere mythos. That was the Satan's pet, the second in command from hell." Vengeance corrected.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Tenebris exclaimed. Me and the others were just as surprised. "This means..." Zaina didn't look too surprised, but was thinking. "Therefore young warrior, you no longer have the soul of a mortal, but the soul of a titan, and the body of said demon." Vengeance finished.

"He's a... jinn now?" Salma struggled to speak. I'm pretty sure to her, all of this was just as unbelievable. "I think so.." Majin said, worried. I don't know what that word meant, but I assumed it was a stand in for 'demon'.

"Woah... so, what does that make me really? Do I get a cool name or something like that?" Tenebris wondered. "That is up to your father." Vengeance looked at Abyss, finally touching the ground. "Yes, you may receive your Titan name." Abyss nodded at Tenebris.

Tenebris' face was filled with wonder, but he still held back a smile. "In the name of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings; I gift to you my son, your birthright of a name. Anti." Abyss laid a his humongous hand on his head for a brief moment.

Tenebris looked underwhelmed, but looked like he felt pride with the name. "I can't wait for the others to see this. I definitely feel lighter now, and stronger." He hopped from side to side. "And wait you shall no more." Vengeance pointed to us.

Tenebris looked at us and we could see the reaction of pure shock on his face. He was probably embarrassed that we caught him feeling himself. That alone was enough to make me hold in a laugh. All we could do was smile at him.

"Now that you know what you are, it's time for-" "Wait!" Tenebris intruded on Vengeance's line of speech. "I just want to know about my mother at least. What was she like? Why did I have to be at the Asylum?" Tenebris asked, looking at Abyss desperately.

Abyss sighed and looked him in the eyes. "I will say it simply my son. Your mother was a beautiful air dragonblood. Truth be told you have almost all of her features, but she was lawless at heart. When she had you, I expected her to take care of you after I left our one night stand. That's when things went completely wrong." Abyss shook his head.

"I see. I understand." Tenebris had no expression. It's like I couldn't see any emotion behind his eyes. Then he walked over to us as if nothing happened... or so I thought. When he got close enough, Salma got off the shadow beast to comfort him.

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