Chapter 19

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Silver's POV:

I sat on my living room chair with my wife sitting on my lap. With my left arm, I held onto her. With my right arm, I carried my sleepy baby boy, Karma. Luni was the one holding Sylvia to sleep. "They're sleeping like angels." I smiled at them.

"She has your eyes you know." Luni looked back at me, mentioning our daughter. "Well, he has your eyes as well... and my father's hair." I began to remember the last moments of my father. "What's wrong honey?" Luni looked at me with concern.

"I want to be a good father for them. I wanna be there no matter what. But what if... I'm not a good dad?" I worried. Luni leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You'll do great Silver. You've been talking about this for a long while. I know you'll be a perfect daddy." Luni smirked.

"Oh you little moonbeam." I rubbed noses with her. And when I looked back at my son, I could see that he was fast asleep. "Heh, now look at them. Sleeping like the angels they are." I fawned over how peaceful my children were sleeping.

"At least now we can lay them to bed." Luni got off my lap, floating upstairs to our bedroom. Gladly, I hovered upstairs and followed her there. 'Congratulations are in order Silver.' Maoi congratulated me.

'Thanks man. I haven't heard from you in a minute.' I smirked. 'Imagine that you just created the next monsters this universe has yet to see.' Terra laughed. 'Don't jinx it. Last thing we need is to start predictions.' Chalk warned.

I rolled my eyes as I heard the conversation. Once I got in the room, I laid Karma on our bed alongside his twin sister, Sylvia. "There we go." I smiled, happy to have them rest on a bed for the first time. I couldn't help but hug Luni out of pride and gratitude.

One moment later, we heard a knock from the front door. "Oh? Who could that be?" Luni asked. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure I told them all to leave us alone to tend to our kin." I recalled. 'Maybe they wanna say congratulations.' Terra suggested, too laid back about it.

I chose to ignore her smart remark. Therefore, me and Luni hovered back downstairs to the front door. I opened it, and saw Wolfia Asher/Mage, and Ruby. "Congratulations you two!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Oh, thanks!" I accepted it with gratitude

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"Oh, thanks!" I accepted it with gratitude. "With all due respect, I thought Silver told everyone to leave us be. What happened?" Luni asked. "We have some good news, and some bad news." Wolfia informed. "I guess bad news first.." I wanted it to be out the way.

"The earth kingdom has just been attacked by the Satan's hands." Wolfia reported. "Ah sh*t." I cursed. "Are there any survivors?" Luni asked. "We don't know, but we did receive a distress signal from the Empress. Therefore she's guaranteed to stay alive." Mage told.

I exhaled in relief. "Good. So what's the good news?" I asked. "Since you have an heir to the grand title of Lord over the Tenku clan, the EDA thinks you're ready to lead the northern ice kingdom." Wolfia explained.

"W-what?" I was caught by surprise. "They say you don't have to go right away. They want you to adjust to life as a father. But after five weeks, you'll have no choice but to take your father's place in the kingdom. Regardless, they're lending you a knew title." Mage said.

"What title are you referring to?" I asked, keeping Luni close to me. Not gonna lie, I felt a little nervous for the future at the moment. "The title of Emperor Silver." Wolfia bowed. "W-wait, so that means..." I thought about it long and hard.

"Yes. From today until the day you die, the EDA declares that you are from now on, the northern ice emperor." Wolfia said straight up. 'Oh SNAP! Here come the responsibilities.' Terra toned. "Shut up." I growled, remembering who killed my father in the first place.

"Pardon him, he's only talking to the voices in his head." Luni clarified to Mage and Wolfia. "It's okay. I know that feeling all too well-for the love of God will you two ever get along?!" Wolfia yelled. I'm pretty sure she was talking to Lex and May.

"Also in case you want us to get to the point, we wanna ask you to come with us." Ruby said. "Excuse me?" I wanted an immediate explanation. "I know you're busy being a full time father now, but you're one of our most strongest and versatile assets." Wolfia expressed.

"As much as I hate to admit it too, she's right. If you come along, casualties will be minimum to none." Mage confessed. "It's really up to you Silver. Finally think about yourself when it comes to this." Ruby nodded at me.

I sighed and looked Luni in the eye. She looked sorrowful, but understanding. That wasn't good enough for me though. "Sorry, but I have a family to provide for now. I hope you understand." I told the others.

Mage looked disappointed, but Ruby just looked happy for me, and Wolfia bowed without a doubtful sentence or a batted eye. "We understand. Thank you for lending an ear to us regardless." Wolfia showed respect.

"Not a problem. Please, stay safe you three." I wished them the best of luck. "We will. See you later!" Mage sent them off, and with that I closed the door. Luni jumped in arms and wrapped her legs around me in excessive joy.

"You finally get to stay home for once! Oh how I miss days like this." Luni held her hands onto my cheeks. "When it was just us? Well now we have children." I strode a finger down her black and silky hair. Without another word, she kissed me lip to lip. Her lips felt so soft touching mine.

"I love you Silver." Luni smiled at me. "I love you too." I beamed. And for a few minutes, we couldn't help but hover in the air while hugging onto each other. "I say we cause some mischief since the kids are asleep." I implied.

"Whatever do you mean?" Luni kept a hand on her mouth, pretending not to know what I said. "You know what I mean." I winked.

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