Chapter 9

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Ajin's POV:

There I stood in the middle of the forest, keeping all of the incoming animals at bay just by standing there. A multitude of species stood against me. Birds, reptiles, bugs, and most of all mammals. And although I could tell they stood against me, they grew afraid to come near me.

The best they did at that point in time was to try and sneak a blow on me. However, that didn't work. Because when a cougar tried to pounce on me from behind, it immediately lost consciousness upon contact.

Once the animals saw that, some of them backed away in fear. 'I don't think they have a death wish anymore. You probably scared them a little too much, don't you think?' Don giggled, clearly joking with his sarcastic empathy.

"Hey, all I did was show off a small piece of my aura." I spoke back to Don, vocally. 'True, but anymore than that and you could've ended this in a literal millisecond.' Don told me. "Well I'm glad I didn't." I responded.

"Who are you talking to?" An unfamiliar female voice called to me from the forest. With an alert and quick turn of my head, I peeked through the forest. "Who said that? Who are you?!" I called. A pack of wolves then emerged from the woods. A girl, walked among them in low visibility.

 A girl, walked among them in low visibility

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"Call me Vivian." She introduced herself. In the background, I heard a moderate crash somewhere in the forest. I turned around, and saw that Tenebris' invisible spirit giant had just gotten done beating the big plant monster, but Tenebris himself was nowhere to be seen.

"Now, I'll ask you again." Vivian opened her mouth, expecting to catch my attention. "Who are you talking to?" She asked one more time, her eyes blaring the same golden color as some of the wolves she walked amongst. Suddenly, it clicked.

"You... you're the one who's controlling these animals aren't you?!" I pieced the situation together. She frowned at me. "You didn't answer my question..." she uttered. "That's not important right now. You have a lot of explaining to do!" I turned the situation around, not feeling inclined enough to answer her question.

"Fine, don't answer my question. But I still have a few more for you." Vivian clarified. "Fine. I only have a single question to ask you anyways." I sighed, keeping my eyes on her. She took a moment to glance at my friends in the near distance, then back at me.

"Are you evil?" Vivian asked me. "No..?" I questionably replied, raising an eyebrow. "Are any of your friends evil?" She asked again. "No!" I answered quickly. "Did you come to destroy our forest?" Vivian shot another question.

I was silent for a moment, but finally chose to speak; "I mean... we wouldn't have to do that if you just never attacked us. Oh yeah! That reminds me!" I seized the moment to finally ask what I wanted to ask.

She didn't really seem approving, but it didn't look like she was gonna disapprove either. "Why'd you attack us in the first place?" I finally asked. "Because we thought you were with the monster." Her response came rather quickly.

"Monster? What monster are you talking about? And also who's we??" I questioned repeatedly. "By we, I'm including Enzo." Vivian pointed towards the forest behind me, where I could hear Tenebris, and someone else tugging it out.

"So whoever that is fighting my friend... that's his name right?" I asked, just to be safe. "Yes." She nodded. "Okay then." I crossed my arms. "Now can you tell me what monster you're actually talking about?" I asked again, wondering if we'd run into it... or if we already have.

"It's a really scary woman with multiple eyes. Almost as scary as you, but much taller." She described. I nodded, signifying that I was able to hear what she said while picturing how the odd being would look in my head.

'What the h*ll is she talking about?' Don asked, probably not getting what she was putting down. "I haven't a clue.. but one things for sure, we haven't seen this one." I said to him out loud. "You're doing it again." Vivian spoke out as the animals went idle or slightly docile.

"What're you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to play dumb. Exasperated, Vivian facepalmed herself and looked in dead in the eye. "You know what I'm talking about." She voiced. 'I don't think she's dumb man.' Don pointed out the obvious.

With a sigh, I rolled my eyes in defeat. "Fine. If you call off your guys, I can give you an explanation. And in turn you let us go." I conditioned. She didn't look too opposed by them either. "ENZO!! The fights over! It's okay!" Vivian announced.

Next moment later, a brown haired dragon blood that I've never met before had been thrown out of the forest into the ground right beside us. He had green eyes, wore no shirt, but had on a necklace, and thick ripped shorts. Oh, and I couldn't forget the cuts and bruises.

"W-what..?" He looked up at Vivian. "It's over. You don't have to fight him anymore." Vivian leaned down towards him, giving him a soft hug. "Good." Tenebris walked out from the thickets of the forest. "Any longer, and I would've killed him." Tenebris said, carrying his sword on his shoulder.

"Tenebris!" I walked over to him, just to see if he was okay. "Dang man, I can see a few gashes on you." I smirked, trying to joke around. "Not cool 'Superman'." He nicknamed. I've heard that name amongst other people, but never understood the reference.

Contrary to that, I just stood there and chuckled awkwardly. "So, should we get going?" Tenebris asked me. I looked back at the dragonblood and the girl, then back at Tenebris and the others. He probably expected me to punish the odd pair somehow, but I never swung that way.

"Let's go. We've got more miles ahead of us." I walked back towards the rest of the gang. Tenebris followed as he sheathed his sword once again. "Wait!" Vivian yelled. I stopped dead in my tracks. "We never got your real name." She reminded.

I turned around and faced both Enzo, and Vivian with a straight face. "Ajin. My name is Ajin Tenku." I told them my name before turning back towards my friends. Once Tenebris shut off the force field, Harlow immediately tried going after Enzo and Vivian with a pure amount of aggression.

Luckily, I grabbed her by the tail, and forced her to behave as we kept walking on our merry way.

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