Chapter 12

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Alex's POV:

The power... the heat... I feel it. I feel it all the way down to my toes, and up to my head. It doesn't feel natural, but it feels so surreal at the same time. It's like my body doesn't recognize this power, but it's not afraid of it either.

All I remember was how I felt before this. I didn't want Faria to die, and it's like the stone was urging me to fuse with it. As soon as I let it do so, it felt like I was burning from the inside out. Vivid, but strangely not painful.

Now I don't even feel like myself anymore. Letting my instincts take over by blasting off and attacking the last evil human with a fiery palm to the side. I didn't even let the others know that I was coming in hot, and that was as literal as I could make it.

Still, despite the consequences I know I'm gonna face afterwards, I find it best for me to at least try to use the abilities I was born with, along with the power I was given. And there I was, hovering over the human's struggling dirty body.

All I could see in that moment was bright and warm colors, but I wasn't blind. And as soon as he saw me, it's like he became afraid of me. So afraid. And to be honest, I loved every single second of it. So I descended down in front of him.

He scoots back quickly, and raises his wand for another dark spell. On top of his staff stood an extremely dark orb, that begins to resemble a black flame coming off said orb. He aims it at me, and a ridiculous blast of black fire hits me point blank.

Funny how that literally has no effect on me at all. I could feel my body get hotter and hotter by the minute, but once again, no pain was felt. If anything, it felt like I was gonna melt the earth just by existing. Still, I keep walking towards the human.

His face contorts into that of panic and fear. As his body began to glow, he raised staff. Somehow, I can tell from my gut that he's trying to escape. So I grab him by the throat in under a second. I could see the fear in his eyes, feel his power weaken.

He tries hitting and stabbing me with his shadows over and over and over again. No shocker, but he failed. Every time he tried stabbing or hitting me, his shadows evaporated into nothingness.

It gets so bad to the point he literally hits me with his staff. But with a singular spit of electricity, I broke that b*tch in half. "W-wait! You don't have to do this, we surrender!!" I could hear him beg for his life. Didn't mean I was listening.

It sounded like he had multiple voices, but I shrugged it off as some type of stupid magic trick. I could feel his neck start to soften from the heat. I could see his clothing turn to ash while his bare skin starts to cook from the fire.

What happens next? Well I slam him on the ground, and burn him into an absolute crisp. Yet somehow, he was still barely alive. On the bright side though, I could see no more darkness with him. But I feel myself get hungry... and I honestly want to know what fried human tastes like.

So out of pure curiosity, I start eating him alive. Starting from the calves, all the way up to the neck. Blood barely poured from his body due to the amount of heat I was letting off. And even if it did, it faded away just as quick.

The screams... the horrid screams that I hear from the human as I eat him down to up. It was surely messed up, yet at the same time I felt no sympathy for him. I consider this punishment for all of the problems him and his cult caused for us.

And as soon as I ripped off the neck, he shuts up. Not a single scream comes out as I swallow his throat down my fiery hot gullet. And all that was left of him were bones and burnt organs. Anything else that happens?

Literally black. All I can see is black before waking up at the center of the camp once again. I was surrounded by Silver, Leo, King Hart, Queen Elvis, and General Taburn. "Rise n shine fire god." Leo jokes before getting smacked behind the head by General Taburn.

"You okay?" Silver asks me, extending a hand to lift me up. "Y-yeah.. I'm okay." I accept his help. Once I get up, I can see that we're back home. "Wait... what happened to the fire kingdom?" I ask, blatantly confused.

"Well after you went full carnivore on that last human, you immediately went unconscious and reverted back to your normal state." Hart summarizes. "And after the battle, we have to find out that Faria was pregnant." Leo adds.

"Wait, WHAT?!" I exclaim. "I KNOW RIGHT?! And she didn't even tell me!" Silver says bitterly. "But aside from just that, Mecca and Faria told us to thank you before we went on our merry way home. They said they can rebuild just as easily since they have a few earth dragons on standby." Hart tells me the rest.

"Hm.. I see." I nod in understanding. "Now, who the hell told you that you could use the fire stone you hag!" Leo fumes. "Leo calm down." Silver urged. "No f*ck that. It's not fair how she get a taste of that power before I even get the chance to." Leo complains.

"Well aside from you tantrums, Leonardo Suri, how do you feel Mrs. Magius?" King Hart addresses me. "I guess... normal? I had a small headache before waking up, but I feel twice as better." I spoke the truth.

"That's odd... usually the stones leave a much greater impact on the bodies of those who aren't elementally attuned with it." General Taburn caressed his chin as he kept on thinking. "Wait, were one of your parents attuned with fire?" Queen Elvis asks all of a sudden.

"Actually, yeah. But I don't-" immediately it began to click. "I think I get it now." Queen Elvis pinned the case down. "Yeah. Her father or mother was attuned with fire, so that had to have been enough ancestral tolerance for her to use the stone!" Silver pieces together.

"Well that explains a lot. But hey, at least we have an elemental stone." Queen Elvis looked at my palm. I follow her gaze and I see that the stone is inside of my palm. "Two elemental stones." Silver points at his chest.

"Wait... when did you fuse with that stone?" King Hart asked. "On the way home." Silver answers blatantly. King Hart sighs; "probably for the best."

"So do we take the fire stone out or...?" Leo didn't know what to make of it. "Nah, if I know anything from my elemental experience, multiple elements are way better than one." Silver nods with a thumbs up my way.

Cold blooded 4: The keys and the stonesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin